|T W EN T Y - N I N E |

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"did he touch you" Fred asked after he set me down on my bed, I shook my head no and he exhaled in relief "what else did he do to you besides hit you"

"he tried to talk to me and asked if I was okay, I said no and he told me to tell him, I said no and tried to walk away but then he grabbed hy arm and slapped me

"I'm going to fucking kill him" he muttered "he has no right to talk to you, to be near you" he closed his fist again, I reached out for his arm and pulled him down so he was sitting next to me

"I know, but this time I have you, and I'm stronger, he won't do anything to me, I won't let him" I moved so now I was sitting on Fred's lap and kissed his neck, biting and sucking on it

he groaned quietly and I felt myself grow wet over him, he tilted his neck back more so I had more access to it, he pulled on my waist and laid back bringing me with him, I removed my lips from his neck and put my head on his chest

I started to trace around Fred's abs and he looked down at me with worry "are you okay"



knock knock


knock knock

"Fredwick Gideon Weasley open the goddamn door!"

I moved around on the bed once I felt the heat of Fred leave me, I didn't even bother open my eyes, I was too tired

"Brooklyn! she never came back to her dorm last night! then I saw Ryan! and-" Ellie yelled

"El" Ellie started hyperventaling "Ellie! she is right there" Fred yelled, I opened my eyes now and looked at a crying Ellie

"oh my god" she ran over ot me and hugged me "you scared the shit out of"

"are you crying" I asked looking at her tear stained cheeks

"did you not here me when I said I saw Ryan then I didn't see you for the rest of the night"


"I best get going, see you in class" she let go of me then walked out of the dorm

"when the hell is the weekend" I whined, Fred laid back down and put his head on my chest

"tomorrow love"

I opened my eyes again and saw Fred asleep next to me

bing bing

DAD: where are you

ME: sleeping

DAD: class started 10 minutes ago

"shit!" I got up and ran out of the dorm and to mine, a few minutes later Fred ran in wearing his school robes and holding my phone "we fucking fell asleep, I'm so dead"

bing bing

DAD: are you coming

ME: ya I'm almost there

I turned off my phone and ran out of the room, grabbing Fred's arm on the way out "Bee- come'on we're already late, I just woke up" he whined as we ran down the stairs to the dungeons

"why the fuck does our common room have to be at the highest fucking floor" I ignored what Fred said and kept on running down the steps

we reached the door but Fred held me back and spun me around then kissed me "okay now I'm ready"

we both caught our breathes then walked into the classroom "nice for you 2 to join us" my dad snapped

"calm down, we're here now" I snapped back, he looked me up and down then shot me a death glare

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now