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Tomorrow is Winter Break already! Fred and I got caught up on all of our homework after like two weeks but it's okay.

We still didn't have actual sex because I was scared and Fred respected that.

He's perfect.

I didn't get drunk at the Hufflepuff party because I didn't want to be hungover for class and I had a lot of work to do so much to Ellie's dismay, 'fun' Brooklyn didn't make a appearance. Oh well, there is always another party.

Nothing else really happened that was interesting during the end of November and December.

"What are we doing for our last day here for this calender year?" El asked. We (Lee, me, Fred, Ellie, and George) were in the Library finishing up some homework so we didn't have to do it over break.

"I have no clue." I said. "Get food from the kitchen and watch a movie?" I shrugged.

"No." A felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I smelt the smell of Kalen's body spray swarm me. "There is a party in the Room on Requirments tonight and you lot are coming." Kalen said.

"We are going to be blackout drunk for our parents tomorrow? Sounds good." I giggled.

"Good it's at nine." He said and everyone nodded. "Gotta go tell other people, see you there." He winked at me then walked away and I saw Fred burn holes in the back of Kalens head with his eyes and he walked away.

"Jealous?" I whispered in Fred's ear and he rolled his eyes. I gave him a quick peck on his cheek then went back to my paper.

"I honestly don't care what you say Brooklyn, you're getting drunk one way or another." Ellie warned me and the boys started laughed.

"What are you going to do, spike my drink?" I laughed but Ellie didn't, she looked dead serious. "You're joking right."

"If I need to then I will." She hummed and looked back down at her paper.

"You're scary." I mumbled and also went back to my paper.


Ellie and I went to Mione and Ginny's dorm and knocked on the the door. "What's up?" Mione asked after she opened the door.

"You two are coming to a party tonight." I said and let myself into the room and sat down on the bed. "We have one night to get out all of our crazyness before we go back to our parents tomorrow and act like we are sweet innocent children."

"Mione and I are sweet innocent children already." Ginny laughed.

"And me and Brooke aren't?" Ellie gasped. "I'm offended."

"You fuck my brothers every other day." Ginny still while still laughing and Hermione joined in. "I don't call that innocent."

"Well- he's my boyfriend." I snapped. "Anyways come to the common room at 8:45 in party clothes, and Mione get ready to get wasted." I said and winked. "The other boys are coming too."

"Bye bitches." Ellie said and walked out of the room and I followed behind her, laughing. "Oh yeah by the way, I'm spending holiday with you." Ellie said as we walked down to the common room.

"Why? Not that I don't want to be with you." I followed up at the end.

"My my grandparents are coming over and they don't know that I'm a witch, and they would not be happy if they found out. So I agreed to stay with the order." She shrugged.

"And George." I added.

"What about me?" George asked and sat down on the sofa next to Ellie and pulled her onto his lap.

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