| S I X T Y - S E V E N |

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Warning: Self Harm and Attempt.

As you read this chapter, you will notice how Brooklyn's mental health is very bad.

If you ever need to talk if you relate or is thinking like Brooklyn, please, contact me. Because I am going through what she is going through. Like I have said, I picture as Brooke as myself so I write like I am Brooklyn.

This may trigger some people so please, don't read if this may be sensative to you.

Thank you and enjoy!

"Why do you look so glum Snape?" Taylor asked as he sat down next to me at breakfast about a month later.

"I don't look glum." I mumbled and took a bite out of my toast.

"Oh my god, do you ever stop eating?" Angelina sighed. "Like seriously, what size are you know? A medium? Fatty."

"Shut up Angelina." Taylor growled. "And go away. You are so annoying." Ang huffed and walked down to the other side of the Gryffindor table. I sighed and put the toast down but Taylor was wuick to pick it up and shove it into my mouth. "You aren't actually going to listen to her are you?"

"No." I said with a mouthful of bread. I swallowed and took a drink of water. "She is so annoying and a pain in my ass. It doesn't help that she shares a dorm with me."

"Oh, that sucks." Taylor mumbled and took a bite out of his bagel. "Have you ever thought of talking to Dumbledore, y'know, to move her?"

"I don't think Dumbledore would move us just because of some girl drama." I rolled my eyes. I pushed my empty plate to the side and got up and put my book bag over my shoulder. "I have to go to DADA."

Taylor nodded and I grabbed my phone then walked away from him. I walked into the busy hallway and looked down at my feet. I found that if I keep my head down, then people won't notice that it is me. It works some of the time.

But now was not that time.

A boy pulled on my skirt and another one grabbed at my robe. "These look very pretty on you." A boy said. I have learned to nt fight back or say anything. Most of the time, if I don't say anything they will just walk away.

Again, this was not that time.

"But they would look better on my dorm floor." The other boy chuckled. I pushed past them and kept on walking, but one of them followed. "So why are you walking alone? Everyone knows that you shouldn't."

"Fuck off." I mumbled. The boy chuckled again and grabbed onto my arm then dragged me off to a dark corner. "Let go."

"You usually fight back with everyone." He said.

"So?" I snapped.

"Why aren't you to me?"

I let out a little laugh that was not humourful and walked away from him. I tucked back into the busy hallway and went to DADA. I got to class early, so there was only a few kids writting down the daily note.

A couple of minutes passed and the office door opened and Fred walked out. Oh yeah, he had detention this morning. Wonder what she made him do? He walked over to me and sat down.

I looked down and saw he had his sleeve pulled over his hand. What was he hiding? "Fred." I sighed. He ignored me and turned around to talk with Draco. Something is up. "Freddie."

He still didn't talk. I grabbed onto his hand and quickly pulled the sleeve up. "Bee." He hissed.

"What the fuck did she do to you?" I growled. The back on his hand was red and I could clearly tell that it was burnt. I pushed out of my chair and was about to go give that bitch what she deserves but Fred caught onto my waist and pulled me back. "Just one hit." I begged.

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora