| F I F T Y - F I V E |

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Fred's POV:

Bee get's hurt. A lot.

And everytime I got scared. Even when we weren't dating.

But when Poppy said she need's to go to St. Mungo's to get a blood transfer, I wanted to flip. I wanted to cry and go to her. She has a massive loss of blood and blood poisoning. This can really affect her.

"I- is she awake? Does she know what is happening?" I asked. My eyes were becoming watery and my voice was already shaking.

"No. And I don't know how long she will be out for. I'm honestly surprised she has lasted this long." Poppy said. Lasted this long? Like she could've died any day? How could I not see this? Why did I let her keep on flying? I should'be told her to get off and go to Poppy sooner.

This is all my fault.

"So what do we do?" Kalen asked.

"You go back to your friends." Poppy replied.

"I just leave her?" I asked.

"Fred, there isn't anything you can do. I am certain Dumbledore will let you visit her in a couple of days, as long as her and your parents allow it." Poppy assured me. "She is going to be okay. But you should go."

"Thank you." Kalen said, both for him and me. "We will get out of your way." I didn't move though. I didn't want to leave her, she had no clue what was going on. I can't do anything to help her. Kalen grabbed my arm and pulled me out o the room and I didn't even try to stop him.

I was in shock.

This can't be happening.

Why her?

It could be anyone else- but it has to be her.

We walked out to the quidditch field where a few people were, waiting for Kalen and I to come back. Tears were rolling down my face and I wasn't stopping them. I wanted to be with Bee.

"What's happening?" Draco asked.

"She is going to St. Mungo's." Kalen said and sat down on the grass next to Taylor. "She has massive blood loss, and blood poisening."

"Is she going to be okay?" George asked then looked over at me but I didn't say anything.

"We don't know yet. She really put it off till the last minute. Madam said she's surprised she's lasted this long." Kalen answered for me again. "Healers are getting her now."

"Lets go back to the castle for dinner." Taylor suggested and everyone nodded. I kept my head pointed down as everyone walked past me, probably because I didn't want anyone to see me crying.

"Hey, are you okay?" George asked and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah." I lied and started walking away from him but he pulled me back. "It's going to get dark soon."

"Are you okay?" George repeated again. "And I don't want you bullshit."

"No I'm not George. Why the fuck would you even ask me that. I just got told the person I love the most barely made it. She is so bad she has to go out of school to be treated." I snapped. "I'm not fine."

George didn't say anything, he just pulled me into a hug. "It's going to be okay."

"I'm so scared." I cried. "Nothing can happen to her."

"I know. Nothing probably will. She is strong." George assured me. "Lets go." We walked back to the castle in unnormal silence. I had nothing to say and I don't think George did either.

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