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Brooklyn's POV:

Hearing that something was way worse than it seemed- scared me.

But seeing Fred turn pale and look scared and worried- terrified me.

When I was thinking about having kids when I'm older, I didn't mean to say ginger hair, or cause trouble like their dad. It just came out. But it made me even happier when I knew I wanted to have kids with Fred even before I thought about it.

It felt great being in his arms again.

I ended up falling asleep on his lap as he stroked my back and gave me little kisses on my head. It was the best way to fall asleep.

"Princess." Fred whispered and I slowly opened my eyes and groaned. "I have to go love."

"What? No, stay." I said and looked at him. "I don't want you to leave me."

"I don't want to leave you but it's already 10pm." He chuckled and I pushed my head into his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I slept through the whole time? Why didn't you wake me?"

"Because you looked so peaceful." He said and kissed the top of my head. I love when he does that. It gives me butterflies.

"Can't you ask to stay?" I whined.

"I have to go, I don't think I will me allowed to stay." He said and I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "I will be here tomorrow.... Hopefully."

"Hopefully? You're going to leave me here with these- these strangers?" I protested. "Pleaseeee."

"I will be right back." He said and pushed me off his lap and walked out of the room. He better come back. A couple of minutes later I saw Fred come back in, followed by my dad.

"If he is staying then I must stay too." My dad said.

"Why?" I whined. "I am fucking bleeding all my blood out of me and I'm in hot knife cutting pain. And you think we're going to do something?"

"Why else would he stay?" My dad hissed and Fred, who was staning behind him, rolled his eyes.

"Because I want to be with him." I stated. "I have been so lonely. All I have is that nurse that comes in and turns off my light."

Snape looked at me, then Fred. "You have no clue how much trust I'm putting on you right now. No one has left her here alone at night before." He said to Fred.

"She won't be alone though, I will be here." Fred said and raised his eyebrow.

"If something happens you get help. Then call us." My dad said. "Make sure nothing happens to her."

"Yes sir." Fred said and I giggled.

"Goodnight than." He said and walked out of the room. Fred stepped forward to me but stopped when my dad walked back in the room. "Where is he going to sleep, he is far too tall to sleep in the ch-"

"Dad." I sighed. "He is sleeping in the bed with me, now go."

"Fine." My dad glared over at Fred as he walked out of the room and closed the door behind. We waited a couple seconds to make sure my dad wasn't coming back, and he didn't, so he went over to my  bag and got a tank top and PJ shorts for me and walked over to me.

"See, he cares about you." Fred said as he took off my top.

"He just doesn't want me to be alone and like die, in the middle of the night." I scoffed. "And he totally doesn't, he didn't want to leave because he didn't want us to have sex." I rolled my eyes.

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