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Brooklyn's POV:

"okay so we have potions today but I'm gonna skip" I said while walking with Fred and Lee

"no your not, we have to meet with your dad remember" Fred said snatching my time table from my hand

"oh I remember, but he is probably gonna yell at me"

"why would he yell at you, he hasn't before" Lee asked

Fred and I totally forgot that Lee didn't know about me and Fred sleeping together "he has been in a mood lately" Fred fake laughed

"well got to run tell me how it went later" Lee walked away from us and to Bella

"they're totally dating" I said proudly

"I don't think they are" Fred said smiling down at me

"wanna make a bet"

"3 sickles for whoever is right"

"you got yourself a deal Weasey"

I heard Fred chuckle "what's so funny this time Weasley"

"we sound like them" I looked at him knowing having a clue about what he was talking about "almost everyone in this school is betting between us Bee"

"ass holes" I laughed

we went to all of our classes and all that was left for the day was DADA and potions, fun (sarcasim)

"welcome class, my name is prof. Lupin but you can just call me Lupin if you wish" there was a chorus of 'hello Lupin' "great so today we will working with boggarts, can anyone tell me some information about them" I raised my hand "yes ms. Snape" I swear I saw him smile at my last name

"a boggart doesn't have a definate shape, it forms into your worst fear or memory and in order to make that horrible sight go away you have to say 'ridiculas' and it will change into something funny"

"great, 10 points to Gryffindor, everyone line up and we will start"

El went first, it came out looking like a drunk man holding a beer bottle, she quickly pointed her wand to the boggart and it turned in a cat with glasses on

a few people went and now it was Fred's turn, he stepped forward and I couldn't help but see what his fear was, there on the ground was me and George, and we looked dead, he said ridiculas and our dead bodies turned into 2 dogs play fighting, Fred walked away and back to me

he looked really sad, but also embarressed, I pulled him in for a hug which he gladly returned "was that me on the ground" I asked a couple of minutes later, he didn't say anything, just wrapped his arm around my waist

about 5 minutes after that it was my turn, I had no clue what I was scared of so this would just be a surprise to me as the other people, Lupin let the boggart and it shifted forms

at first I didn't know what it was till I looked closer, there standing infront of me was the 2 men that touched me, and Ryan, who raped me, I was standing in the middle screaming as they placed their hands on my waist, thighs, shoulders, my mind went completly blank, I didn't know what to do

Fred got infront of me and said ridiculas and once again 2 dogs play fighting appeared, everyone turned their attention to the dogs except for Fred, he knelt down beside me on the floor and hugged me, I was quietly crying 'it will never go away, ever'

"are you okay Bee" Fred asked me, I shook my head no, what I just saw scared the living hell out of me, just the thought of all 3 men, surrounding me, touching me, it just seemed too real "let's go get some air love" he pulled me up and took me out of the class room, the teacher didn't even stop us

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