Chapter 1

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The liquid tears started to form in my eyes and they trickled down my cheek like a waterfall. 

"Don't cry," He said. 

"Don't cry?!" I asked. "No-that's not fair!"

"I just don't love you anymore!"


"Watch me," He smirked and walked away. 

I got in my car and I drove back to my house. I opened up the front door, ran to my bedroom, and I sobbed into the pillow. I heard a knock on the door and I sat up. 

"Come in," I said.

My mom sat down next to me. "What's the matter?"

"Tyler broke up with me because he doesn't love me anymore."

My mom pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. "You know how I told you I would tell you who your dad is when you're a junior?"

"Yes," I rubbed my nose. 

"Do you want to know?"

"You're kidding, right?!"

"No, I'm not kidding," She chuckled. 

"Mom! I want to know!"

"Okay, this weekend we're going to fly to where he lives and you'll find out."



"Do I know him?"

"You have definitely heard of him before."

"He's a celebrity?"


"Oh my God."

My mom left my room and I laid flat down on my back staring at my "Rammstein" poster on the ceiling. Maybe once I meet my dad I'll be able to see why men fall out of love so easily. 

I wondered how young he was and what he looked like or if he even knew who I was or if I was even alive. I started shaking, but then I shook it off. 

I was going to meet my dad once and for all.

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