Chapter 60

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TIME SKIP----------------------------------APRIL 13, 1998

"That's ridiculous," I said. "Why would someone want to do that?"

"Why would someone want to kill someone for revenge?" Neil asked. "I don't know-maybe because they hate them!"

"I don't understand why you're okay with that."

"Because someone killed his fucking daughter!"

"Hang on one second. Steven murdered Stephanie (his daughter)?"


"So, Stephanie's daughter got mad and murdered Steven?"



"No one should kill anyone," My mom added. 

"Shut up, Tina," Richard sneered. "I like hearing them argue."

I shook my head. "Neil, if you murdered someone and then-"

"Nope!" Neil interrupted me. "I don't want to imagine anything like that that has to do with me."

"So be it," I noticed Neil staring at my stomach. "Stop it! You're making me feel insecure."

"Why would you feel insecure?"


"OH MY GOD!" My mom yelled. "I forgot to mention something! Adette, people think you're dead."

"Excuse me?" I asked. 

"You know how you don't go out because you don't want people to know you're pregnant?"


"Yes, I murdered her," Neil smirked. "Is it alright if I leave? I have a date and I want to get ready."

"Who is it?" I asked.

"This girl named Megan Botters."

"Um, sure. You don't have to ask."

"Okay, bye," He said as he left. 

"What time is it?" I asked. 

"About eight," My mom replied. "Actually, Richard and I were planning to go out tonight for a little. Is that alright, Adette?"

"Yeah, that's fine," I carefully stood up. "I need to go to the bathroom-I'll be right back."

I went to the bathroom and once I pulled down my pants, I sighed. My underwear was stained yet again by more discharge. I flushed the toilet, washed my hands, then changed my underwear and then walked downstairs and sat down on the couch. 

"Where's my dad again?" I asked. 

"He's just having a day with Nele," Richard answered. 

"This isn't fair-everyone can go out but me!"

"That's your choice, Adette," My mom said. "In case you do go into labor, he and Nele will be here while we're gone."


"Ready to go, Richard?"

"Wait, you're leaving right now?"

"Did you want us to stay?"

"No, no, I just didn't know that you were doing it so sudden."

"We can stay."

"No, go have fun."

"Alright," Richard stood up. 

"Does that mean Till is on his way?" I asked. 

"They're almost done eating-he called me while you were in the bathroom," My mom said. 

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