Chapter 63

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Neil got up to find where the screams were coming from as I put on my clothes. I unlocked the door, but then Neil came out with Ashton in his arms crying. 

I knelt down and opened my arms, then Ashton ran into them. 

"He was stuck in the closet with the lights off," Neil approached us. 

"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" My mom ran in here. 

"Ashton got trapped in the closet," I replied and stood up. "We couldn't get it open because he was tugging on it trying to get it open."

"Okay," She looked at Ashton. "Want to go play?"

Ashton grabbed my mom's hands and they walked downstairs. Neil stayed with me as I dried off my hair, but before I could make it out the door, he stopped me. 

"What are we?" He asked. 


"No-what are we? Are we together now or-"

"I don't know, Neil. That was a kind of spur-of-the-moment thing."

"Well, I liked it."

"Me too."

"Can we try again?"


"I miss you and seeing you with Ashton and loving on him (not in a sexual way, obviously) makes me proud to say that you are the mother of my son. I want you to be mine, though."

"I'll think about it, Neil."


We walked downstairs and sat down on the couch. 

"Neil, can you give him some food?" I asked. 

"What does you want to eat, Ashton?"

"BANA!" He yelled. 

I grabbed a banana, cut it up on a plate and set it on his tray. "Thanks for feeding him, Neil."

I walked to the couch and shut my eyes and stretched my arms out. "I've been having trouble sleeping lately. Have you guys?"

They all shook their heads. 

"It's just taking me a really long time to fall asleep lately," I said. 

"Are you nervous about something?" My mom asked.

"Not that I know of," I replied. "Where was your first job, Mom?"

"Ha!" Till chuckled. 

"None of your business," My mom went to the kitchen. 

"She was a basket weaver with me," Till whispered. 

"TILL!" My mom yelled. 

"Well, I don't know what job to take," I said. 

"You could work at a restaurant or something," Richard suggested.

"Or a daycare," My mom added. 

"Nope-too many kids," I said. "I don't even really like kids-Ashton is the only exception."

"You heard it!" Neil yelled. 

"It's already six!" Till exclaimed. "Let's get going, Richard."

"Okay," Richard went to the kitchen and said goodbye.

"You guys are going to spend the night tomorrow night, right?" I asked. 

"I don't know about me," Till said. 

"Well, I mean, Ashton loves you."

"True-maybe I will. Who knows?"

I hugged both my dad and Richard, walked them out, shut the door, then locked it. After Ashton finished eating, I took him out, made him say goodnight to my mom, then I put him to sleep in the crib in my bedroom. 

"Song," He said. 

I sung "You are my Sunshine", then left. I went back downstairs and saw that Neil was not around. 

"He's out front," My mom noticed me looking. "He wanted to speak to you privately."

"Okay," I walked out front and saw him sitting down, so I sat down next to him. "Yes?"

"I feel weird," He admitted. 

"What do you mean?"

"I feel like I don't belong at your house and that the only reason why I'm here is because of Ashton. Your family doesn't really like me."

"You broke up with me and hurt me, Neil. They're just really protective."

"I want to see Ashton at my house. My parents want to see him, too."

"Then we schedule a time for them to see him."

"No!" He stood up. "Adette, I need an answer now."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want to be with me or not?"


"Listen, just say yes or no and we'll go from there."


"Yes or no, Adette."


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