Chapter 13

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"So, how has your day been today?" The interviewer asked. 

"Good," I answered. 

"That's good. Now, you recently went to a premiere."

"Not recently-about a week ago."

"There are rumors going around that you and Neil Wonders are dating."

"No, that's not true," I lied. 

"You guys were dancing-there's proof right here!"

He started to pull out a newspaper, but I pushed it away. "I've seen it before-it's us dancing. Friends dance together all the time, okay? Doesn't mean that we're dating."

"Ah, I see. My, you are beautiful."

"How old are you?"

He chuckled. "About forty four. How old are you?"

"I am sixteen."

His eyes widened and then he chortled. "Well, that's quite young. You don't look that young. Now, there has been a mystery as to who your mother is."

"My mother is Tina Morgenson."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I meant your father."

"Oh, him. I know who he is now."

"Who is he?"

"I don't want to tell anyone."

"And why is that?"

"Because it's not really anyone's business besides mine, right? I mean, he's my dad, not yours."

"Fair point. What music do you listen to?"

"All of it."

"What a very vague answer."

"It's an honest answer."

"Where is your mother?"

"She is upstairs."

"May we say hi?"

"Did you want to interview her or me?"

He chuckled. "A little feisty, aren't we?"

"Yes, we are."

A little while passed, and he finally left. Once he left, I rushed upstairs and saw Till, Richard, and Neil playing poker. 

"I have an idea," I said. "What if we go downstairs and make a huge dinner for my mom?"

"I can't cook," They all said in unison.

"Now you will-come on! Breakfast for dinner!"

We went downstairs and made pancakes, eggs, and bacon with sausage. Once we heard the garage door open, we all ran to my mom and yelled, "Surprise!" but her face was not a face that should be seen after an important interview. 

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