Chapter 5

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As we pulled up to the house, I asked my mom if she was sure she didn't want to come with. 

"I have some friends I want to say hi to," She said. "Go spend some one-on-one time with your dad."

"Bye Mom, love you," I said. 

I got out of the car and I ran to the front door and I rang the doorbell. Nele opened up the door and hugged me when she saw me. As soon as I entered the house, I heard screaming and crying along with yelling. 

"What's going on?" I asked. 

"Richard is babysitting and things are not going to the best-Dad went out and Anja is working."

We went in the living room and I saw Richard struggling to get Marie Louise to sit down at the table. 

"Where's Khira?" Nele asked. 

"Your room," Richard answered. 

Nele ran up the stairs and I laughed at Richard bribing Marie Lousie. I walked over and I sternly set down Marie Louise on the table, but she just ran away. 

"Does she only speak German?" I asked. 

"Yeah," Richard said. 

"Tell her that I'm going to throw her food away."

Richard told her so in German, but she started whining, sat down, and ate her food. 

"You are a life saver," He thanked me. 

I chuckled. "I used to babysit, so..."

"So, how have you been?"

"Good. My mom and I are actually going to go to a premiere the day after we get back home."

"Sounds like you'll be busy."

"We're always busy and it sucks. I mean, I don't even go to school (I'm homeschooled) and it sucks because I don't have any friends."

"Well, how did you meet your boyfriend?"

"We are neighbors."

"Ah, I see."

Then, I heard the front door open. 

"VATER!" Marie Louise got down from the table and ran to the front door. 

"Goddammit," Richard cursed under his breath.

I chuckled and stood up. 

"Well, look who's here!" Till said pointing at me. "Anja not here yet?"

"If she was here, then why would I be watching the kids?" Richard asked. 

Till set down Marie Louise then looked at me. "Ready to go?"

"Sure," I waved by to everyone then followed Till to his car. As he started to drive, I decided to try to start a conversation. "It is rumored that Kurt Cobain drove like a grandma."

"Who?" He asked. 


"Why are you yelling?"

I immediately became embarrassed. "Sorry."

He tapped my shoulder. "It's fine, and isn't Kurt Cobain that one singer?"

"Yes," I smiled happily knowing he knew that gist of it. 

As we arrived at a mall, we got out of the car and people started to swarm us. I rolled my eyes and as we walked inside, Till grabbed me by my waist and pulled me towards him almost in a protective way. I smiled because this is all I ever wanted-my dad to be happy with me. 

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