Chapter 12

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"Call him back," Neil urged me. 

"Okay, okay," I laughed and then called him and put it on speaker phone. "Hello?"

"Oh dear God, Adette-you scared the ever living shit out of me! Why weren't you answering?!" Till asked. 

"Because I-I-I was doing something."

"What were you doing?"

"I was with a friend."

"Oh, okay."

Then, the doorbell rang. 

"Hang on, the doorbell rang," I said, but then he just hung up. 

I furrowed my eyebrows and I walked over to the door and opened it up. I saw in the doorway Till. I squealed, ran, and I hugged him. 

"OH MY GOD!" I exclaimed. 

He chuckled then let me go. "Hi."

"What are you doing here?!"

"I wanted to see you."

"So you flew here all the way to see me?!"

"Well, yeah!"

Just then, Richard came out of a car and walked up. 

"Hi, Richard!" I waved. 

"Hi," He smiled. 

"This is a nice house," Till said. 

"My mom buys it from the best."

"Wait, I thought you met Tyler because you were neighbors," Richard said. 

"At your old house. Come in."

Richard and Till came inside. I forgot that Neil was in the kitchen. 

"Shit," I muttered. 

I shut the door and locked it, then we went into the living room. I turned off the television and rushed to the kitchen. 

"Neil?" I asked. 

"BOO!" He yelled and scared me. 

I screamed and everyone started laughing at me. 

"I'm sorry," He hugged me from behind and kissed me. 

" have a boyfriend?" Richard asked. 

We turned around and saw Till and Richard staring at us. 

"I'd be willing to be together if you want to-but if you don't want to, we don't have to," He whispered in my ear. 

I nodded my head and smiled. "This is my boyfriend."

Neil let go of me and walked over to the opposite side of the counter. 

"Where's Anja?" I asked. 

"She's with Marie Louise and Nele at a hotel," Till said. 

"Ah," I said. 

"What have you guys been doing?" Till asked. 


"Wow," Richard stared with wide eyes. 

As I was about to call my mom, there was a knock on the door. 

"NO!" I yelled. 

"Tell us what!" Till yelled. 

"I forgot I had an interview right now and they're here," I said. 

"We can go upstairs or something," Richard suggested. 

"Don't be rude to Neil," I warned them.

As they all went upstairs, I unlocked the door and I let them in.

"This isn't going to be your average interview," The interviewer said. "Cameras rolling in 5...4...3...2...1...Action!"

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