Chapter 9

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A/N This is what Neil looks like

I looked in front of me and I saw a tall man with black hair and gorgeous, concerned eyes staring at me. 

"Did I hurt you?" He asked. 

"No," I looked down and the man was out cold. 

"I'm sorry," He said. "I overheard the conversation and I didn't like it."

I chuckled. "Are you okay?"

"Hm, my fist hurts a little but I'll live."

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," A security guard came up to us. 

"Why?" He asked. "I was just defending this lady right here."

"Sir, you need to come with us."

He rolled his eyes and walked away with the man. I put my drink down and walked over the man's body that was on the ground and rushed over to my mom. 

"Mom?" I asked. 

"What?" She asked, clearly annoyed that I interrupted hers and Harvey's conversation. 

"I met someone-can I go outside with them? Please?"

"Be careful, okay?"

"Thanks, Mom."

I took off my heels since they were killing my feet and I ran outside to find the man smoking a cigarette on the ground. I approached him, and he looked up at me and smiled. 

"I recognize you from somewhere," I told him. 

"Sit down with me," He said.

As I sat down next to him, I gasped. "YOU'RE THE GUY FROM THE MOVIE-THE SON!"

He chuckled. "I was waiting for you to remember."

"What's your name?"

"Why do you want to know?" He took a drag.

"Because I want to know who I'm talking to."

"Neil Wonders. And yours?"

"Adette Morgenson."

"Ahh! I've heard that name before."

I stared into his eyes, but I quickly looked away. "There's a new movie coming out."


"Yes! I want to watch it so bad."

"Me too."

"You did a really good job in the movie."

"Thanks. Want a smoke?"

"No, thanks. I'd rather not get lung cancer."

"Whatever you say! That big guy was rubbing up on your mom-I saw it during the movie."

"That man is the ugliest person I have ever seen in my whole fucking life."

"Seriously! Isn't he married?"

"I don't know. Hey, thanks for that stunt you pulled back there."

"Oh, that? Pshh! You're welcome. You should learn how to defend yourself, though. I mean, with you as beautiful as you are, that's not going to be the only time that is going to happen to you." He then gasped and covered his mouth. "Did I just say that out loud?"

I laughed. "Yes, you did."

"I'm so sorry."

"Why in the fuck are you apologizing?!"

"I don't know," He rubbed the back of his neck and became shy. 

"You're really cool, Neil."

"You are, too. I watched the interview with you and your mom in Germany."

My eyes widened realizing what I said on there. "YOU DID?!"

"Yes. You really lost your virginity when you were fourteen?"


"Bullshit! I don't believe you."

"Well, I'm really skilled in bed. If you ever want me to prove it to you, just hit me up."


I chuckled and stood up. "Shit! My dress is all ruined."

He stood up, too. "Hey, there's a song playing! I love this song."

I listened closely and heard that it was "Fade Into You" by Mazzy Star.

"Let's dance," He grabbed my hands and pulled me into him. 

"I can't dance."

"There's only one way to find out. Step on my feet and I'll guide you."

"I'm not wearing any shoes."

"Thank God I don't have a foot fetish."

I stepped on his feet and intertwined my fingers into his. He took my head and gently put it on his chest and we started dancing to the song. I shut my eyes and inhaled the scent of him and I felt the breeze on us. He spun me around and then smiled at me. 

I thought about how Tyler refused to dance, and then that was when I lost it. I let go of Neil's hands and I started to cry. Neil furrowed his eyebrows and started to panic. 

"Oh my God!" He exclaimed. "I'm sorry! I didn't know that my dancing was so bad it made you cry!"

I started laughing hysterically and I rubbed my eyes. "No, it's not you." I kept my hands over my eyes realizing that my mascara was probably ruined. "My ex-boyfriend just broke up with me."

"I just broke up with my girlfriend too-I found out she was cheating on me."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry about yours, too. Why are you covering your eyes?"

"Because my makeup looks bad."

"Here, let me help you," He took my hands off my face and then chuckled. "Yep, it's bad."

He took out a napkin and wiped my face off. 

"Thank God you were crying-it's easier to get your makeup off."

I chuckled and then he stepped back and looked at me. "I like you better without makeup."

"That's such a typical thing to say."

"Did you ever think that a lot of people say it because it's true? Maybe men really do like women without so much makeup all the time. Do you know why? Because makeup hides your true self and you're more likely to just be yourself rather than being so absorbed in the world around you and what people think of you."

"That is the smartest thing I have ever heard."

"ANETTE!" I heard a female voice yell. 

I turned around and found my mom walking towards Neil and I.

"It's time to leave," She said. "Who is this?"

"This is Neil-the son in the movie," I answered. 

"Hello," She said.

"Wait, Mom, do you have a pen in your purse?" I asked.  

She took one out and handed it to me. I rolled up Neil's sleeve and I wrote my name down on his arm. 

"There you go," I said. "Call me, okay?"

I walked away and I heard him yell, "OKAY!"

When my mom and I got into the car, she said, "You guys would make a cute couple."

I just shook my head and stared out the window with no knowledge of how that one little event would make my life miserable. 

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