Chapter 54

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I cried as I saw that both of them were positive. I ran out of the bathroom sobbing, got into the car, locked it, and sobbed. 

"NO!" I screamed and hit the steering wheel. 

I didn't want it-I was too young. But, it was my fault and it was bound to happen since Neil never used a condom. I drove back to the house and I threw the tests out in the trash outside so my mom wouldn't find out. I was going to tell my mom once I got to the hotel. I wiped my tears and walked back to the hotel room and knocked on the door. 

Once she opened up the door, I knew that I couldn't. 

"Why are you crying?" She asked. 

"My dad," I lied. 

She pulled me into her, and hugged me while shutting the door. 

"I just don't want you to be around him if he did do that stuff," She said. 

"But it's Dad! He wouldn't do that! Anja brings out the worst in him-I HATE HER!"

The phone rang and my mom answered it. She didn't say anything until at the end and said, "Okay" then hung up. 

"Come on," She told me. "We're going to go to his hotel room-he's on his way back."

I walked back with her and we sat down on the bed. 

"So, both him and Anja are coming back right now," Richard said. "Anja's coming to get her stuff and then she's leaving. Till is staying, though."

A little while later, the door opened and Anja ran to her room and slammed the door. Till rushed behind her and softly opened up the door and shut it. 

"Oh my God," I muttered. 

Anja started screaming at Till in German, then saw me and flipped me off, spit on me and my mom, then ran out. 

Christoph and Richard were about to run, but my mom stopped them both. 

"I didn't get any spit on me," I chuckled. 

"What are you talking about?" Till asked. 

"Anja just spat on us both, Till," My mom said. 

Till walked over to us and started crying and shook his head. "I'm sorry-this is all my fault and-"

My mom ran over and started hugging him. We all ended up getting up and comforting him. 

"I didn't break her nose," He wiped his nose. "Her nose is fine. We're going to go to court tomorrow and settle this."

"Oh wow," My mom gasped. 

"What if I never get to see my daughters again?!" Till exclaimed. "What if she keeps them from me?!"

"That won't happen, Till," My mom rubbed his back and I could see that Richard was getting jealous. 

"I already went a long time without seeing you," Till pointed to me. "I couldn't imagine not being able to see-"

"Why don't you call Nele right now?" I suggested. "And Marie Louise?"

"They're probably asleep."

"Just go try."

He called them and then gasped and started talking softly into the phone in German. 

"He never hurt her," My mom whispered in my ear. 

"I told you so," I smirked. 

Till hung up the phone and sighed. "Nele is fine, but Marie Louise is sleeping. I still love Anja."

"What were you guys arguing about?" I asked. 

"Nothing," Till swatted his hand. 

They started talking about how bloody it was, and I started throwing up. 

"HOLY SHIT!" My mom yelled and pulled my hair back. 

I started choking, but I was still throwing up. After I finished, I started gasping and my mom rushed me to the bathroom and helped me get washed off. 

"I'll pick that up-"

"No, I can," She intervened. "You go lay down, okay?"

"I'm not sick."

"Honey, you just threw up."


"Then let's go pick it up."

As we walked out, we saw everyone else already cleaning up and I started to cry. 

"What's the matter?" My mom asked. 

"They're picking up my vomit!" I exclaimed. "Who does that?!"

"Are you alright?" Till asked. 

"I'm not sick," I stopped crying. "No, I'm not sick, Mom. Don't treat me like I am because I'm not."

My mom felt my forehead. "You're not running a fever...what's the matter?"

I looked up at her. "Nothing. I just don't like blood."

She gasped. "That's right-I forgot. Sorry."

"Okay, I won't talk about blood, sorry," Till threw his hands up in the air and I chuckled. 

"Mom, I'm still hungry," I told her. 

"No way!" Richard exclaimed. "You ate-"

"I understand I ate a lot," I interrupted. "But I'm still hungry and-"

"Adette," My mom said seriously. 

"Yes?" I asked. 

"Adette," My mom grabbed my shoulders and made me face her. "You know what's going on."

"Mom," I started crying. "Nothing is wrong-I'm completely fine."

"Your stomach," She muttered very quietly. 

I somehow got the courage to whisper in her ear while crying, "I'm pregnant."

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