Chapter 62

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TIME SKIP---------------------------------------------JUNE 4, 1999

"You're going to have to start working," My mom told me. 

I held Ashton tighter on my lap. "I can't leave him yet."

"By the next year, if you don't start working, I'm going to take Ashton from you."


"He is really expensive! Those bottles and pump machines are not cheap."

"She has a point," My dad said. 

"Ashton, do you want to come to Daddy?" Neil asked. 

"Yes," I handed Ashton to Neil. "Richard, back me up on this."

"I agree with your mother," He replied. 

"No one asked!" I groaned. "Where should I work?"

"You need to find that out," My mom said. 

"DOWN!" Ashton screamed and then Neil got startled, and put him down. 

As Ashton walked past me, I stopped him with my hand and knelt down in front of him. 

"You don't scream," I said slowly. "Okay?"

"Otay," He said. 

"Go say sorry to Daddy."

He walked over and stood in front of Neil. "Sowy."

"It's alright," Neil hugged him. "Go play."

Ashton walked over to his toys on the floor and played with them. 

"He needs to stop screaming," I sat down on the couch. "Neil, if he does it again, you need to lightly flick his hand or mouth."

"No!" He yelled. "That's abuse!"

"I said lightly, Neil."

"No, I'm not going to do it!"

"Then how are we going to teach him?!"



"Stop it," My mom said. "God, you guys are ridiculous-constantly arguing!"

"Sorry," I stared at Ashton. "Okay, is it just me or does he look a lot like Richard?"

"It's just you," My mom said. 

"I've been thinking that too!" Neil exclaimed. 

"See?!" I stuck my tongue out at my mom. "That's so fucking weird."

"OH MY GOD!" Neil started gasping and gagging. 

"You guys need to do it," My mom said.

"No!" I protested. "That is so disgusting!"

I walked towards Ashton, but started gagging as well and plugged my nose. I grabbed Ashton and laid him down on the ground while Neil grabbed the diaper and wipes.

"CAN SOMEONE GRAB A GARBAGE BAG?!" I yelled over Ashton's obnoxious screaming. 

My mom handed me a garbage bag and I unzipped Ashton's pants. He finally stopped moving and I changed him. I put the diaper in the garbage bag and threw it at Neil.

"Go throw it away," I said and picked up Ashton who was completely naked. "Want to go take a bath?"

"Ya!" He squealed. 

"Neil, come help me once you're done, okay?" I asked.

"Okay," He said as he went out back. 

I ran up the stairs and started the bath. We sat down and I covered my eyes, then yelled, "PEEKABOO!" and he hysterically laughed. 

"Okay, time to go into the bath, okay?" I grabbed him and set him down in the bath. 

"You!" He yelled. 


"You!" He pointed to the water.

"You want me to get in, too?"


"Oh, no."

"Come on, he's asking," Neil said. 

I turned and found him leaning against the doorway. "Let me get my bathing suit on-you watch him, though."

"Just get naked."

"My parents are literally downstairs."

"Then we'll lock the door," He stepped inside and locked the door. "That way you can take an actual bath."

I took off my clothes and as I was about to get into the bath, I felt a light touch on my shoulder. I turned and saw Neil kissing my shoulder. I looked up at him and he put his hands on my face and slowly leaned into me and started kissing me. 

I didn't protest and I kissed him back. When I kissed him, all of the feelings returned. I hadn't had sex in a couple of years, and that feeling came back. I started breathing heavily as he sucked on my breasts. I took off his pants and I started stepping backwards, but then I lost my balance, hit the edge of the tub, and fell in splashing everything. Neil laughed at me and I chuckled, too. 

"I didn't know you still had feelings for me," I winked. 

"I didn't know you liked it."

I grabbed the shampoo, grabbed a cup, put water in it, got Ashton's head wet, then washed it. After I finished washing him, I got him out of the bath and handed him to Neil. Neil then dried him off and changed him into clothes. 

I unplugged the tub, then as I got out, I felt a towel wrap around me. 

"I can help you dry off," Neil whispered in my ear. 

He then started rubbing my shoulders and then came to the front. He kneeled down and I knew what that meant and I gasped. 

"Ashton is right-" I was interrupted as Neil's tongue came into contact with my vagina. 

I gasped and started moaning. He then stopped and licked me all the way up to my breasts and started sucking on them. I moaned louder and then he inserted his fingers in me and I moaned loudly. 

"N-N-Neil," I whispered. 


"M-My par-parents."

I felt myself getting close already. A couple of seconds later, I gasped loudly and pushed myself into Neil's chest and moaned loudly as I had my orgasm. I chuckled softly and Neil stepped back. 

"You can go get ready-I'll clean it up," He said and grabbed my towel and wiped the floor up. 

I furrowed my eyebrows, but then I noticed that Ashton wasn't anywhere to be found. And then I heard it-the scream coming from my child. 

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