Chapter 45

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I jumped up the next morning and decided to make breakfast celebrating the fact that I didn't have a nightmare. I made pancakes, eggs, sausage, and bacon, then laid it all out and laid down on the couch acting like I was asleep. 

I heard footsteps come near me and then a blanket was placed over the top of my body and I felt a kiss on my forehead. I wanted so bad to open my eyes and see who it was, but I knew that I couldn't do that (it would ruin everything). 

There was an abrupt gasp and then other people ran out and started talking. I got up and screamed which made multiple people fall (I couldn't see who) and made me laugh. I walked over and saw Richard and Flake on the floor. 

"FICKEN DU!" Flake threw up his middle finger and walked away. 

I shrugged it off and then Till came in laughing and said, "That's my girl."

"Where's Neil?" Richard asked. 


"Who made this?"


"Really?" Till asked.

"Yeah," I smiled. "My mom showed me how to make all of this a while ago."

Flake and Neil finally came out along with Christoph and we all ate, but my mom still didn't come out. At about 12, Paul, Oliver, and all the other kids came and ate what I made. I decided to check in on my mom and she was lying down on her bed staring at the ceiling. I laid down next to her and asked her what was wrong. 

"I just was really happy that I had another kid," She sighed. "But of course, when it comes to me, everything goes fucking wrong!"



"I know how hard it is for you to have kids, but there will be other chances."

"You're right, but I just still feel broken, you know?"


"Well, thank God," She chuckled. "Get your stuff together; we're leaving."


"Yeah-we have a flight leaving in two hours. And you have an interview, too."

"I do?"

"Yeah, so hurry and get ready."


I got ready for the day, and then my mom, Richard, and Neil drove me to the interview. 

"Thanks," I smiled and got out of the car, went inside, and saw that it was a house. "Oh."

I rung the doorbell and an old lady let me in and told me to sit down on the bed. Finally, a girl wearing cheetah print pants and a tank top laid down next to me. 

"Alright, starting in eins, zwei, drei..." She said. "Halo!" She said a bunch of things in German, then turned to me and said, "My name is Sofia. How are you?"

"I'm good," I smiled and lied. 

"That's great. What brings you to Germany?"

"The release of my dad's new album. Buy it now!"

"He is in a very talented band-a lot of Germany loves them. Do you like Germany?"

"For the most part, yes."

"What don't you like?"

"Probably the food."

"Oh, well that sucks. How does it feel to have Till Lindemann as your dad?"

"Oh God, um, it's awesome. Honestly, I love it and I love having him as a dad. I think that he is super awesome and he is a great dad-I wouldn't ask for another dad. I just wish that I had known him for longer."

"It seems like you have the dream life."

"Hmm, I don't."

"You were kidnapped a while ago. Tell me, what was that like?"

I was hesitant at first, but then I remembered that it was my life and I didn't have to tell them anything. "It was really scary and that's all I have to add."

"Okay," She gasped. "You're dating Neil Wonders!"

"Yes," I smiled. 

"How is it? What is he like?"

"He is amazing and the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for."

"I think that people are calling you the dream couple."

"Ahh, I wouldn't do that."

"Why? Are you guys planning on breaking up?"

"No, not at all. But, you never know what can happen. I mean, one of us could die tomorrow."

"That took a dark turn. Is he nice? Tell me what he's like."

"He's very caring and sweet, and is very protective in a way. He knows his boundaries and when to stop-I don't know how else to explain him," I chuckled. "I love him, I really do. And he loves me."

"How did you guys meet?"

"A premiere-don't ask me which one because I don't remember. Um, it was actually really funny." I explained exactly how we met and how we are now. "He's so nice and I have personally been through a lot, and he has just been there for me every single step of the way."

"Did you ever think about breaking up with him?"

"There was one time, yes."


"Well, he was in London and I was here, and we just weren't talking."

"What was your first reaction when you saw your dad?"

"I was so scared. I actually thought that I looked like him (but I don't). I couldn't believe it."

She chuckled. "That's all we have for today. Love you all and hope you have a great day! Thanks for watching!" She started rambling in German, too. 

Afterwards, I got into the car and Richard drove us to the airport. Once we arrived, Richard hugged my mom tightly and kissed her. 

"We're going to be shooting a couple of videos," He told her. "And then we'll be right back."

"No you won't-you'll be on tour," She said sadly. 

He sighed. "I'll try to see you as much as I can, okay?"

"Okay," She looked away. 

"Hey, I love you."

"I love you too," She kissed him. 

I grabbed Neil's hand, my suitcases, and we got into the airplane and got back to the U.S. Once I arrived, I immediately regretted coming and wished I stayed back. 

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