Chapter 61

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As I looked down at my son, everyone else started walking in. I saw Neil and I handed him the baby after he washed his hands. 

"Look it," He whispered and chuckled softly. 

I wiped my forehead. "Ew, that's a lot of sweat."

"How was she?" My dad asked my mom. 

"She did wonderful," My mom kissed the top of my head and stood up, then walked over to Richard. 

"I was thinking," I told Neil. "I know how you liked the name Ashton, so what if the first name was Ashton and the middle name was Ross-Ashton Ross Wonders."

"Wait, you're going to give him my last name?" Neil gasped. 

"Yeah-is that alright?"

"Yes, yes, that's fine."

I turned over to my side and shut my eyes, then breathed softly. 

"I'm never doing that again," I chuckled then sat back up and faced Shelly. "Thank you, Shelly."

"You're welcome," She winked. 

Once everyone got a chance to hold Ashton, he started crying after Richard held him for a little while. 

"He's hungry," My mom said. 

"Nope-no way!" I said exactly knowing what she meant. 

"You're going to have to."

"Neil, can you stay?"

"What do you need to-oh," He realized that I needed to breastfeed. "I can stay."

"No," Till protested. "That is inappropriate."

"It's nothing he hasn't seen, Dad," I smirked, then Ashton's cries got louder. "WAIT!" I lifted up the blanket and saw that my stomach was back to its normal size. "My stomach isn't fat anymore! Richard, can you hand me him?"

Richard handed me Ashton, and everyone stared. 

"I need you all to leave," I chuckled. "Breastfeeding."

"Oh," Shelly said. "I'll call Robert."

Once everyone left except for Neil and my mom, I asked her what to do. 

"Are you fine if I see your breast?" My mom asked and I nodded my head. "I just didn't want you to feel uncomfortable."

I pulled down the gown they gave me and then my mom started talking, but I couldn't hear her, so I covered Ashton's mouth gently. 

"Tickle him so he'll open his mouth," She said. 

I did as I was told and then she grabbed Ashton and put his mouth on my nipple. 

"How do I know he's eating?" I asked, but then heard him swallowing. "Oh."

"See? It's not that bad."

"Can I go?" Neil asked. "This is really awkward."

"Sure," I chuckled as he left. "Thanks for being here, Mom."

"I love you, Adette and you're my daughter-I'm going to get mad, but no matter what, I will always love you and be there for you. You were the worst to feed, though."


"You just wouldn't latch on!"

I chuckled. "I got lucky with Ashton."

"He's so cute."

"He really is, Mom. I love him a lot. Like, I don't want him to leave-I want him to be with me forever."

"He will. Just don't do anything stupid, and he won't get taken away from you."

"Like what?"

"Drugs or anything illegal."

"I won't do drugs, Mom."

"I used to say that to my mom all the time."

"Do you still do them?"

"Not anymore-I quit last year."

"Which type?"




After I finished breastfeeding, I looked down at Ashton sleeping softly. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to find out the truth.  

Stirb Nicht Vor MirWhere stories live. Discover now