Chapter 58

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Till, Richard, Neil, my mom, and I all got out of the car and walked inside. Richard and my mom walked up to the receptionist while Neil and I waited with Till. 

"You okay?" I asked Till. 

"I'm upset, but I'll be alright," He smiled. 

"I'm really, really sorry."

"It's fine. It's not your fault."

Eventually, we got called back and walked to the office. I laid down on the bed and waited for the doctor. 

"I'm kind of scared," I chuckled. 

"You're just going to find out how far along you are," My mom told me. "And the gender."



"Now, we'll be the ones to see it-Till, Richard, and I-and it will be a surprise for you and Neil."


"So that we can plan a gender reveal party."

"Just a little one okay? I don't want a lot of people."

Then, the door opened and a man about my mom's age walked in. 

"Hello," He shook all of our hands. "I am Fredrick and I'm going to be giving you an ultrasound today. How old are you?"

"I'm 17," I replied. 

"That's quite young."

"Whatever-let's just get this done and over with."

He chuckled. "A little antsy, are we?"

He poured the jelly on the stick and then I lifted up my shirt and he rolled it around my stomach and then I gasped. 

"Is there a problem?" He asked. 

"It's just really cold," I chuckled. 

"I forgot to mention that."

My mom sat down next to me and squeezed me hand. 

"Who's the father?" Fredrick asked. 

"That's private," I said not knowing whether or not he would tell anyone. 

"I am a big fan of your movies, Tina."

"Thank you," My mom answered. 

I gasped and chuckled as I saw the baby appear on the screen. 

"Look it!" I whispered to my mom. 

"I know," She chuckled.

"That's ours," Neil knelt down next to me. 

"That's scary," I continued to look at the screen. 

After it was finished, the doctor rubbed the jelly off of me and I rolled down my shirt. 

"Would you like pictures?" He asked and I nodded my head. "I'll be right back, then. Wait, what about the gender?"

"Can you put it in an envelope?" My mom requested. 

"Sure thing," The doctor said as he left. 

"Mom!" I looked at her. "THAT'S FUCKING CRAZY!"

"I know," She started to tear up. 

"What's the matter?"

"I'm going to be a grandmother."

"Oh my God."

"Nope-I refuse to let the baby call me grandpa," Till said. 

Richard and Till sat down in front of us. 

"What'd you think, Neil?" I asked him. 

"I'm really happy," He said. 

Once we got the envelope and pictures, I took out the picture and I scanned it closely and noticed that there looked like a dick, but I didn't want to say anything. 

We left and drove back to my house and ordered pizza as a celebration. 

"I'm going to hide this," My mom held the envelope up in the air. 

"Wait, you guys already know?" I asked Till and Richard and they nodded their heads. "You guys are sneaky."

"When's the due date, again?" Neil asked. 

"April 16," I said. 

"Got it."

After we finished eating the pizza, Neil's parents picked him up. 

"I told them already," Neil said as I walked him out. 

His mom ran out of the car and hugged me. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!"

I chuckled. "It's crazy!"

"I can't-oh my god! Have your mom send me the details about it."

"Actually, we got an ultrasound today and we got some pictures. Would you liked to see them?"

"Of course!"

We walked back inside and I showed her the pictures. 

"Who is this?" Till asked. 

"Neil's mom," My mom replied. "It's nice to see you again, Shelly."

"Nice to see you again too," She gasped, covered her mouth, and started crying. "This is your guys' baby?! Oh my God!"

I chuckled. "Yep."

"I wish I could have been there!"

"That would have been a lot of people," Neil commented. "It wasn't the biggest room."

"I'm sorry, who are you guys?" Shelly asked Till and Richard. 

"Richard is my mom's boyfriend and Till is my dad," I answered. 

"Ahh, I see," She said. "Let's get going, Neil."

"Okay, bye, Adette," He waved and then they left. 

Once the door shut, Richard yelled out, "FUCK HIM!"

"Whoa!" I jumped. 


"He's going to be a part of my life forever now," I said. "He's going to have to be."

"I'm not happy about that," Till said. 

"Sucks to suck!" I yelled. "I'm actually tired and my feet are starting to hurt."

"Alright, night," Till hugged me. 

I hugged everyone, said goodnight, went to my room, and went to sleep. I wouldn't have a clue as to what was going to unfold in the next couple of months. 

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