Chapter 31

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Nele stayed with me for a while and then we both went downstairs. We talked and then fell asleep. She wanted to go out for a little, but we had to get permission. 

"Can I take Nele out to go get some lunch or something?" I asked noticing that it was already eleven.

"That's fine," Till answered not even apologizing. 

"Let's go, Nele," I grabbed her arm and I drove her to a place where McDonald's was at. 

As we were walking to get there, there was a girl wearing white jeans and she had a red spot on the back of it. Everyone was staring at her, but no one helped. 

"FUCK YOU ALL!" I yelled and held up my middle finger. "FUCK YOU!"

"Nele, come here," We walked over to the girl as she was just standing there. 

"Hi," I touched her shoulder. 

"Hello?" She asked scared. 

"Hi, um, you bled through your pants."

"What?!" She screamed. "I'M BLEEDING?!"

"Do you know what a period is?"

"No-what is that?"

"So, your area down there produces eggs so that you can get pregnant. How old are you?"

"I'm 11."

"Sheesh, that's young. Okay, well, you're obviously not pregnant, so the body doesn't know what to do with the eggs, so it gets rid of them and it makes you bleed. You don't feel it and it happens to every single girl every month."

"I'm scared."

"Do you have a jacket?" I asked, but she shook her head.  "Nele, hold her backpack for a second."

As Nele grabbed her backpack, I took off my jacket and I wrapped it around her waist making sure it covered her jeans. 

"Here, there's a store nearby and I'm going to buy you some stuff," I told her. "Where are your parents?"

"Um, I don't know."

"Oh God. Okay, let's go. Here, Nele, hand me the backpack."

I put the backpack back on the girl, grabbed both hers and Nele's hand and we walked into the store. I walked to the very back and I bought her some pads. 

"I'll buy you some new underwear and jeans, too," I told her. "What's your size?"

"10-12," She answered. 

I bought her a pair of jeans and new underwear. We walked to the bathroom and I handed her all of her things.

"So, what you want to do is take off your underwear and jeans, then wipe down there to get all of the blood off," I told her. "Then, you put the new underwear on and you place the pad on it (and it sticks to it). It's really simple."

"Okay," She took the jeans, underwear, and pads. 

"If you need any help, let me know," I smiled. "I have to do this all the time."

"Thank you," She went into the stall and locked it. 

"You're going to be a good mom," Nele told me. 

"Why do you say that?" I asked. 

"Because she was just on the streets and you got mad at everyone for not helping her and you're just being so kind."


"Set them down somewhere and we'll wash them!" I told her. 

Nele hugged me. "I'm glad to call you my sister."

I hugged her back and chuckled and then the girl came out.

"Okay, I locked the bathroom door itself so no one else will come in and you won't be embarrassed," I told her. "So, take your underwear and rinse it out underneath the water in the sink."

"Ew, I have to touch it?" She made a disgusted look on her face.

"Yes," I chuckled. 

She put it underneath the faucet and started rubbing it. 

"Okay, put some soap on it and then you just rub it until most of it comes out," I said. "Do you want me to try and wash out your jeans?"

"Sure," She said. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome."

I grabbed her jeans and I did the same thing to them. Majority of the blood came out, but not all of it. 

"Okay, now let's dry it," I told her. 

We grabbed her stuff and put it underneath the dryer. Once it finished drying, we walked out and Nele caught up to us. 

"Do you want to call your parents?" I asked. 

"Um, su-"

"LORENA!" A woman yelled and then she started running towards us and hugged the girl. "I'm so sorry-I lost you!"

"You need to take better care of your daughter," I told her. "You lost her and she clearly bled a lot on her jeans meaning that you saw it and did not do a single fucking thing about it. She's your fucking daughter-take care of her, bitch."

I handed the mom her wet jeans. "I bought her pads and new underwear and a new pair of jeans. I swear to God, watch over her better. Bye, Lorena."

I waved to her, grabbed Nele's hand, and we walked out. 

"You're so badass," She said.

"Are you allowed to say that?" I questioned her.


We walked to McDonald's and we ate our food there. On our way to the car, someone asked to take a picture with me. 

"Um, sure," I said. 

Nele grabbed the camera and I posed with the girl making a silly face. 

"Thanks!" She grabbed the camera and walked away. 

I grabbed Nele's hand and we skipped all the way to the car. On our way back, we jammed out to music and were singing horribly on purpose. 

When we got to the house, I grabbed out my key and I unlocked the door, then we walked inside. 


"Nooo!" She whined. "I don't even have anything."

We walked back and saw that everything was packed up. 

"Is Richard leaving, too?" I asked. 

"Yeah-they're still recording the album," My mom said. "They just took a little break."

We all said our good-byes and once it got to my dad, I didn't hug him. 

"What, you're not going to hug me?" He asked. 

"You didn't even apologize!"

He sighed and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I don't forgive you," I wrapped my arms around him, then let go. 

"Adette is going to be the best mom!" Nele then started to explain the story (even the part with me yelling to the mom).

"Wow," My mom said. "She is going to be a great mom."

I rolled my eyes and said bye. I didn't think that the next time I would see them, it would be really difficult to even look at them. 

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