Chapter 34

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"She's been in bed for, like, five days," My mom said while she was on the phone with the doctor. "Mhm. No, she's fine. I don't know. Rilla, have you been sexually active?"

"Not in a while," I replied. 

"Okay. She said no in a while. Um, sure," She handed me the phone. "He wants to talk to you."

I grabbed the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, so, you haven't been sexually active?"

"I just said no."

"Okay, great. I'm going to have to set an appointment, but I advise you to go get a test-just to make sure."


"Alright-let me talk to your mother."

I handed the phone back to my mom and after the phone call, she set the phone down on my bed and said, "I'm going to go to the store and go get you a test. You need to call your dad and tell him about this."


"No! If he was here, he would know."

"Why are you so mad?"

"Because if you are pregnant, then-"

"But Mom, what if I'm not?! What if I worry Dad for no reason at all?"

She sighed. "Don't tell him yet. I'm going to go to the store, okay?"

"Okay, bye."

"Bye," She left and went to the store. 

I grabbed the phone and called my dad. 

"Halo?" A female voice asked. 

"Um, who is this?" I asked. 

"Who are you?"

"I'm Adette."

"OH! HI! I miss you!"

"I miss you, too! Is Dad home?"

"Um, no-they're at the recording studio. Anja went out and I'm watching Marie Louise."

"Okay, can you tell him that I want to talk to him?"

"When he gets back, sure."

"Thanks. Bye."

"Bye," She hung up the phone. 

I sighed and laid down on my bed hoping that I wasn't pregnant. I was throwing up constantly, I had a fever, I was coughing (sometimes coughing blood from choking) and I just felt like shit. 

I felt something come up my throat, so I grabbed the bowl at the bottom of the bed and I threw up into it. I set it back down and then my mom yelled, "GOT IT!" I was surprised at how fast it took her. 

She rushed up to my room and handed me the box. 

"Go pee on it, then we'll wait a little, okay?" She told me. 

"Both of them?"

"Yes. I have a third one, but only if we need to use it, okay?"

"Mom, I'm scared."

"It's fine-I'm not mad, okay?" She rubbed my back and stared down at the bowl. "Oh, you threw up."


"Okay, go to the bathroom."

I grabbed the boxes and I went to the bathroom, then I peed on it. I set them down on the counter and stared at them. It was funny how a fucking stick could determine the rest of your fucking life. 

I went back into my bed and curled up. My body was warm, but I was so cold. I had goosebumps and I was heavily breathing.

I shut my eyes and I started to doze off, but then my mom shook me awake and said, "Hey-it's been, like, 15 minutes. What have you been doing?"

"I guess I fell asleep," I rubbed my eyes and started laughing. 

"Okay, well, let's go check and see."

"Mom, I don't want to get up."

"I'll bring them, then."

She went to the bathroom and once she came back, I could see her hands were shaking. 

"You ready?" She asked to which I shook my head. 

She turned them over and gasped. I didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. 

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