Chapter 27

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Christmas Day

When I woke up, no one was in the room with me. But then I heard a bunch of laughing downstairs. I went to the bathroom, brushed my hair and teeth, then I went downstairs and saw everyone sitting there laughing with me. 

"Guten morgen, Adette!" Marie Louise laughed. 

"Guten morgen to you too," I told her. 

"Good morning," Neil stood up and kissed me. 

"I GOT THE HOT CHOCOLATE!" Tyler came around the corner and brought us hot chocolate. 

I looked at Till and Anja and they were cuddling together. I didn't know why Anja didn't flip out. She always flipped out on my mom and I, but when it came to my dad, it seems like everything is fine and that pissed me off. 

I then looked at my mom and Richard, and they were fine, too. If I was in Richard's situation I would at least talk about it with her. 

"You okay?" Tyler asked as he handed me a mug. 

"I'm fine," I answered, but set my cup down on the table. 

"Can I talk to you for a second?" My mom asked me. 

I stood up and we walked outside. She looked at me and shook her head. 

"What the fuck was yesterday about, huh?!" She yelled. 

"They deserved to know!"

"That was none of your business, Adette."

"They deserved to know, Mom. Till cheated on his wife with you!"

"They're fine-he told me they would be fine."

"But that doesn't matter."

"Till, Richard, Anja, and I all talked yesterday-well, we talked it out. Richard is a little upset, but he's fine. Anja is fine."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. It's Christmas, let's enjoy ourselves."

I hugged her and then we walked back inside and opened up presents. Once everyone opened up each other's, it was my turn. 

Till got me a silver necklace with my name in cursive on it. 

"Thanks," I told him and held it up. 

"I'll put it on you," Neil offered. 

I lifted my hair up and he put the necklace on. 

"I'm going to leave," Tyler said as Neil finished putting the necklace on me. "I want to be with my family."

"I'll walk you out," I said. 

As we got to the front door, he tried to kiss me, but I dodged him. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I whispered. 

"I thought we had something."

"No, I have a boyfriend."

"Whatever. Merry Christmas."

He slammed the door shut and I jumped back. I shook my head and I chuckled, then walked back and sat in Neil's lap. 

I opened up the present from my mom and it was a box of tickets-concert tickets. 

"Who are these for?" I asked. 

"They're tickets for your dad's band," She squealed. 

"Wait, what?!" Till yelled. 

"I bought them. They're for next year, though-December to be exact."

"Oh, for our tour, Till," Richard reminded him. "For the new album."

"I know that," He sat back down.

"Thanks, Mom!" I said.

"I could have got her in for free," Till told her. 

"There's some for her and another person if she wanted to invite someone," My mom said. 

I turned and eyed Neil. "Want to go with me?"

"Of course," He kissed my cheek. 

"I got you something-it's in my car," He said. 

I got off of his lap and once he stood up and noticed I wasn't walking with him, he told me to follow him. 


"Go," My mom told me. "It's fine-we're just going to be cleaning up for a little while."

"You guys let me sleep in and-"


I chuckled and grabbed Neil's hand and we walked to his car. Once we got in, he started driving. 

"So...where are we going?" I asked. 

"You'll find that out later."

When we arrived, he put his hands over my eyes and guided me. The floor was very crunchy and it was very cold. 

"Open," He whispered in my ear. 

When I opened my eyes, I was surprised I didn't faint. 

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