Chapter 64

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When I awoke the next morning, I noticed that Ashton was out of his crib. 

"ASHTON!" I yelled and ran downstairs to find my mom feeding him breakfast. "Don't do that to me. Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I heard you crying this morning."

"What are you talking about?"

"Early this morning, Ashton woke me up and guided me to your room and you were crying."

"I didn't hear him get up."

"He's sneaky. I put him in my room and he slept with me."


"Are you alright, Adette?"

"No," I started crying. 

"Adette," She ran over to me and rubbed my back. "What happened?"


"That motherfucker."

"No, it's me. Yesterday, we had an intense moment and I liked it, but I didn't like it because it was him, I just liked it because I missed the feeling-the lust. So, he told me that he had feelings for me and he wanted me to date him. I told him I would think about it, then later out on the front porch, he told me that I needed to give him an answer. I didn't want to date him, Mom. He hurt me and just came back into my life because of Ashton-just because of Ashton. So, I said no and he started yelling (not at me but in frustration) and told me that we're going to have to share Ashton, then left. I want Ashton every single day-he's too young to be going back and forth."

"Honey, come here," She hugged me. "We'll figure it out, okay? Maybe your dad or Richard or Paul will know what to do."

"Yeah, maybe. My dad raised Nele for seven years by himself, I think."

"Something like that."

"I could raise Ashton by myself," I gasped. "Neil has a movie coming up and he has to go to Florida or something like that, so how would he be able to see Ashton?"

"He wouldn't."

"I don't know-I'll just talk to him about it."

"You should talk to him about it-think as if you were in his shoes."

"I don't want to, Mom."


"Want to go to the park today, Ashton?" I smiled at him, but then frowned. "You have a doctor's appointment today."

"Shots?" My mom asked to which I nodded my head. "Yikes. What time?"

"About twelve. I'm going to go take a shower, can you watch him for a second?"


I ran up the stairs and took a long shower, shaved, got ready, blow dried my hair, then went back downstairs. 

"You have money to pay for the appointment, right?" My mom asked. "I don't want you to go there unprepared."

"I have a card upstairs-yeah."

"Who gave you that, because I know I didn't."

"Dad," I smirked.

"I'm going to have a conversation with him."

I looked at the clock and it was eleven. "Okay, Ashton, buddy, you ready to go?!"

"NO!" He screamed and ran into the bathroom, then locked the door. 

"Ashton!" I ran over and knocked on the door. "Ashton, come on!"


"Fine, I'm leaving without you."

Stirb Nicht Vor MirWhere stories live. Discover now