Chapter 2

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"That was a long ride," I said. 

"Yes, it was," My mom said. "Come on, we're going to a hotel."

We got into a car and drove to a hotel. The receptionist started speaking this foreign language, but I could not understand any of it. What was more odd is that my mother also spoke it, too. 

"Okay, let's go," She said. 

We took our bags and went into a huge hotel room. 

"I also have an interview soon-would you like to come with?" She asked. 

"Um, sure. Mom?"


I set down my stuff on the couch in the living room. 

"Do you and my dad still talk?"

"No," She answered. "We have not talked in a long time."

"Does he know we're here?"

"Yes-you're going to meet him tomorrow."

"What if he doesn't like me?"

She sighed and hugged me. "He'll love you-he has two other daughters too."

"Great," I said sarcastically. "Where the hell are we?"

"Germany, my darling."


She chuckled. "I don't think they'll be playing. Okay, get ready-we're going to go to the interview in about twenty minutes."

I got different clothes on and I put my hair up. I had never worn any makeup before because I used to have really bad acne and the makeup just made it worse. My mom was only fourteen when she had me and she's thirty now. She probably didn't know that sixteen years later she would be a popular actress. 

We went into the car and drove to the place the interview was being held. 

"Just be yourself, okay?" She rubbed my arm. "And if they say anything offensive, I'll back you up."

"Okay," I started to fidget around with my hands. 

"We're here," The driver said. 

We stepped out of the car and as soon as I saw the light, there was a bunch of people crowding us and lights flashing. 

"Goddamn paparazzi," My mom yelled. 

We ran inside and sat down in a resting area. 

"After they introduce us, we are going to walk onto the stage, okay?" She asked. 

"Okay," I said. "Is it kind of like a talk show?"

"No, it is a talk show."

"Okay, Mom."

"INTRODUCING THE ONE, THE ONLY: TINA MORGENSON!" I heard an announcer yell. 

My mom grabbed my hand and we walked onto the stage. I started to shake again, and then we sat down on a couch. 

"Hello, there," The talk show host said with a thick German accent. 

"Hello," My mom smiled. 

"How are you guys today?" He asked. 

"Good," My mom answered. 

"What brings you two to Germany?" He asked. 

"Well, Adette here is going to be meeting her father and we decided to meet here."

"Ah, how sweet. You know, that has not only been a mystery for your daughter, but your fans have been wondering for a long time who the father is."

"Well, it's none of their fucking business," She gasped and covered her mouth. "Am I allowed to say that?"

"Nope, but that's alright. Adette, who do you think your dad is?"

"I don't know," I honestly answered. 

"Well, who do you want it to be?"

"I'm not saying that."

"Why not?"

"Because what if my dad is watching this right now and I don't say his name?"

"He'd be offended."


"Adette is a very nice person," My mom said. 

"So, Tina, were you raped when you were fourteen?" He asked. 

"No! Who told you that?"

"Wait, you had consensual sex when you were fourteen?!"

"Yes, who doesn't?" She said to which the audience started laughing. 

"I for sure didn't. Adette, did you have sex when you were fourteen?"

"Not fourteen-fourteen and a half," I smirked. 

"My dear God!" He exclaimed. "You lucky women. I want to meet these men."

My mom chuckled. "Well, she'll be meeting my man soon."

"Are you excited, Adette?" He asked. 

"More like nervous," I answered. "I mean, what if he doesn't like me?"

"I highly doubt that," He said. "Well, that's all we have for today. Nice meeting you Adette and Tina. Have a good rest of your day!"

My mom and I walked off of the stage and drove back to the hotel. 

"That was weird," I said as I entered the room. 

"Definitely," She chortled. "Did you see his face when I said I had sex when I was fourteen?! PRICELESS!" 

I laughed. "He looked like he had seen a ghost!"

"I want you to go to sleep-we're going to be getting up a little later to meet your dad."


I got into my pajamas and I climbed into the bed a little worried for the next day. What if he didn't like me or what if he favored his other daughters over me? My whole life I wanted to meet my dad and now that it is finally here, I am so nervous and second-guessing my choices. 

-------------------------------------------The Next Day

As we were driving, I my leg was bouncing up and down due to me being so nervous. My mom put her hand on my leg. 

"I'm just as nervous as you are," She said. 


"Fuck yeah! I haven't seen him since I was fourteen!"

"How old was he?"

"He was sixteen."

"Oh. Mom, how come after all these years I wasn't able to see him?"

"Drugs and alcohol and sex."

"What about them?"

"He was addicted to them. He's a good man, but he just crosses the line sometimes."

"It's 1996-how far is that line?"

"I'm talking about my line-he crossed my line."

"Wait, how come he left?"

She sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you? I left him and ran away from home so that he thought that I was dead."

I chuckled. "Oh yeah."

"We're here," The driver said. 

I looked out the window and saw an average-looking house in the middle of nowhere. 

"Thank you," My mom said. 

As we got out of the car, I turned around. "I'm scared-I can't do this!"

"You can and you will. I did not pay all this money just for you to back out. Come on, I'll be right here."

She held my hand and we knocked on the door. As soon as the door open, I screamed and before I knew it, everything went black. 

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