Chapter 3

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I slowly opened up my eyes and I sat up to find that I was in a bedroom (but not one that I was familiar with). I got up and walked out the door to which I heard a bunch of yelling. 

"I'M CHECKING ON HER!" I heard a familiar voice yell, but I couldn't quite conjure who's voice it was. 

Just then, I saw my mom and she gasped and hugged me. "Thank fucking God you're okay. That was not how I planned it to turn out."

"Mom, where am I?" I asked. 

"Are you ready to meet your dad?"

"Wait, this is where he lives?"


"I'm scared."

"You don't have to meet him if you don't want to. But if it makes you feel better, he's nervous too."

I exhaled. "Okay, I'm ready."

She took my hand and guided me to the living room. I saw two girls sitting on the couch, too. 

"This is Nele," My mom pointed to the older one. 

"Hi," She waved and smiled to which I smiled back. 

"And the younger one is Marie Louise," My mom said. 

"How old are you guys?" I asked. 

"I'm 12," Nele said. 

Marie Louise held up three fingers. 

"You can sit down," Nele said. 

My mom and I sat down on the couch. 

"He's in the bathroom right now," My mom said. 

"Okay," I started breathing heavily. "I'm scared."

"You're scared?" Nele asked. "Why?"

"Because I have never met my dad before," I said. 

"You'll love him," She smiled. "He's the best."

"BESTE!" Marie Louise yelled. 

"Dad is teaching her German-I'm fluent in both German and English."

"You look really familiar," I stared at Nele. 

"I wish I was as pretty as you are."

I chuckled. "You're even prettier."

She scoffed. "Totally."

Just then, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. 

"Mom, Richard Kruspe is the one that opened up the door," I told her as I looked down. 

"He's not your dad," My mom said. "That boy will never, ever be your dad. But he is."

I looked up and saw Till Lindemann standing in front of me. 

"What?!" I shrieked. 

"I'm your father," He said. 

"No you're not! He's not!"

"Yes, he is," Your mother said. "I grew up with him and his dad. I'm sorry for your loss, by the way."

"It's fine," He shrugged his shoulders. 

I started to cry and I stood up. As I looked at him, it hit me that he was-I looked very identical to him. 

"Can I hug you?" I asked. 

He chuckled. "Sure."

I ran to him and I hugged him. He groaned, but then wrapped his arms around me.  I started to cry, and I didn't know why, but that's when I felt his grip tighten. I let go of him and I just stared at him. 

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