Chapter 52

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Once everyone (the Rammstein band members) left to go to the concert, that was when my mom and I started to get ready.

I finished and came out, and my mom hugged me. 

"I shouldn't have invited him without asking you," She let go of me. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Mom," I smiled. 

"Ready to go?"


We drove to the venue, went to the front, and stood there waiting. What was nice is that no one noticed who we were. As soon as I heard the intro, I started cheering, and then they played. I couldn't believe how close I was to the stage. 

After a lot of songs, a light showed Richard playing the keyboard. He looked at the crowd, and started bouncing his knees, while pointing to us as he pressed a key that said, "WHOO!"

Then, my dad came into view and started singing the intro to "Buck Dich". I was cheering very loudly, and my mom tapped my shoulder lightly to get me to stop. 

I shut my eyes and started dancing around, then came the chorus and I yelled, "BUCK DICH!" as my dad did and it was nice to sing with him without him knowing.

My dad tapped a box while singing and Flake rushed over and got on all fours. My dad started to unzip Flake's pants which then left his butt showing. I looked at my mom and she looked back at me. 

As I turned to look back, my dad was unzipping his fly and then he pulled out his dick. I started screaming in fear, then shut my eyes while everyone around me was screaming because they were happy. I opened them back up and he looked like he was ejaculating. 

"Oh. My. God!" I exclaimed. 

Flake stepped off and my dad came to the top of the stage and started spraying everyone. My mom was flipping him off, but he couldn't see, so I started laughing. 

Once the song ended, my dad started hitting his dick and then drinking it. I started laughing thinking about why he would be doing that. 

Once the show was done, I noticed that I was shaking and my mom rushed us out of there. We got to the car and stood there. 

"What was that for?!" I yelled. 

"I can't believe he did that!" She got into the car and so did I and we drove back to Richard's apartment. "He gave me a key-don't worry."

"Why are you so mad?"

"He was basically ejaculating! No one should see an older man doing that!"

"But he's my dad-it's fine."

She rolled her eyes, and we unlocked the door, then went inside. 

"We weren't the only ones there," I reminded her. "They have no right to not do that just because their daughter is in the crowd."

"You're right-I shouldn't have taken you at all."


"Your reaction was pretty funny."

"What do you mean?"

She laughed hysterically. "Your mouth was opened so wide and you were shrieking while shutting your eyes. Ha!"

"I was scared!"

"It's not like you haven't seen a man ejaculate before."

I gasped and slapped her. "Mom!"

We sat down on the couch. 

"So...we haven't had alone time since you saw Neil," She pulled me into her side and rubbed my arm. "I'm really, really sorry."

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