Chapter 46

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"HOLY FUCK!" My mom exclaimed as we tried to walk down the steps of the airplane, but a bunch of "Rammstein" fans were crowding us. 

Security guards pushed them away as we ran to the car and drove Neil to his house. I walked him up to the front door, kissed him bye, and when we arrived at our house, I took another bath (without falling asleep), and then went to sleep in my bed. 

Every single day for the next week, my mom stayed in bed and didn't get out. I made her food and everything, but she claimed that she couldn't handle the fact that she killed her baby. I got sick and tired of it one day, and called Richard asking him what to do. 

"Let me talk to her," He said and I handed the phone to her. 

I sat down on their floor waiting for their phone call to end and when it did, I grabbed the phone from her and then she thanked me, took a shower, and I rushed the phone back downstairs. 

Neil came over that night, so he ate dinner, and then I led him up to my room as my mom went out. I shut my door and started kissing him, then put my hands under his shirt trying to take it off, but he pushed my hands away, so I started to undo his pants, but he pushed them away again. 

"What?" I pulled away. 

"I just don't want to."

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know!"

I jumped at the sudden raise in his voice. "We could watch something."

"No, I need to go back and do homework," He ran downstairs and rushed out the door, then drove away. 

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed. Why did he just get up and leave?

I waited for my mom to get home, and as soon as she did, I told her what happened and she rolled her eyes. 

"Things like that will happen, but he'll come around," She smiled and hugged me. 

I tried calling him, but he wouldn't answer and neither would his parents. 

"We're going to go to the doctors tomorrow," My mom told me. 

"Okay," I said. 

"Are any of the stitches coming out?"

"Yeah, they're starting to."

"They're supposed to-"

"I've had stitches before."

"Don't interrupt me while I'm talking."

"Do you miss Richard?"

"Of course I do."

"Me too."

"We'll see him soon, though (with the concert and everything)."

"Where is it?"

"Hollywood. December 16, I think."

"December 14," I corrected. 


The next morning, I woke up and we went straight to the doctor's office. 

"Okay," She said. "We're going to take them out, alright?"

I nodded my head, but I didn't even feel any pain (surprisingly). Afterwards, we ran back to the house and came home to a bunch of screaming. 

"What the hell?!" I yelled. 

As soon as my mom entered the living room, I put down the bags, and my mom started screaming. 

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