Chapter 33

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Once we arrived at Neil's doorstep, my mom started complaining about how ugly she looked. 

"No you don't mom," I told her. 

"Thanks, now ring the doorbell."

I rung the doorbell and a lady (what I presumed to be his mom) opened up the door and welcomed us in. She guided us to their living room and I saw Neil sitting down on the couch. 

"Where do you want me to put the chips?" I asked his mom. 

"Just set them down on the table, dear," She told me and I did as she said. "My my, you look more beautiful than how Neil described you."

I blushed. "Thank you."

"She comes from the best," My mom side-hugged me. 

I looked at Neil and he looked up to his room. He then stood up and walked right past me and up the stairs. I just stared at him in confusion, but then he mouthed, "Come." I walked up the stairs and followed him to his room. 

"Your house is nice," I told him. 

"Thanks," He said. "Not as nice as yours, though."

"Neil, I'm sorry."

"Keep going."

I started to fake cry. "I'm so sorry! I could never forgive myself for what I did!" I got down on my knees and praised him. "I will never do it again."

"That was beautiful."

I got up, bowed, and I hugged him, then kissed him. 

"I missed you," I told him. 

"Let me hold you," He grabbed me and held me like a baby being held by their father. "You're so warm, my fucking God!"

"I want to meet your parents."

"Let's go then!"

We sat back down on the couch downstairs to find his mom, dad, and my mom laughing. 

"Well, I'm glad you guys made up," His dad said. "It was about time!"

"Dad, stop it," Neil said. 

" you work?" His mom asked me. 

"No," I said. "I do home-schooling, though."

"Irrelevant," Neil whispered in my ear. 

I shook my head. 

"Now, I would have never thought that you guys would meet the way you did," His mom said. "Oh, where are my manners?! My name is Shelly and this is Robert."

"Hi," I waved. "I am Adette."

"Beautiful name," Shelly commented. 

"They meet in a very weird way," My mom said. "I wasn't there to see it."

"Neil was non-stop talking about you," Shelly said proudly. "And let me tell you, I have been wanting the longest time to meet you. Oh, I hope you guys don't mind, but we ordered pizza."

"I could use a break from going out," My mom chuckled. 

As soon as they started talking about food, I started to not feel good-I felt like I was going to throw up. 

"Where's the bathroom at?" I whispered to Neil. 

"Let me show you," He grabbed my hand and showed me to the bathroom. "You okay?"

"Mhm," I lied. "Be right back."

I shut the door and locked it, then knelt down over the toilet bowl and waited for myself to throw up, but I didn't. I hated that feeling that I was going to throw up, but I didn't need to. 

I got back out and saw that the pizza arrived, but I wasn't hungry. As everyone ate, I didn't eat. 

My mom noticed that something was wrong and looked at me with a confused expression, but I just shrugged my shoulders. 

Once it came to an end, they walked us out and I felt something come up my throat. I ran to the bathroom and I vomited into the toilet. All of a sudden, my hair was out of my face, and I couldn't stop. 

"Hey, I'm here," I heard Neil's soothing voice say as he rubbed my back. 

When I finished, I covered my mouth, flushed the toilet, shut the lid, then rinsed my face. 

"Food poisoning?" Neil asked. 

"I have no idea. I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because I just threw up."

"Come on, let's go."

He walked me to my mom's car and I said goodbye to all of them. In the car ride, as I was explaining my mom what happened, all I could think of was one explanation and I was really hoping that it wasn't true.  

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