Chapter 37

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---------------------Time Skip: August 20 1997

"Okay, remember that they don't know we're here," My mom said as we arrived at the Germany airport. 

"So, where are we going to go?" I asked.

"We're going to show up at Richard's apartment and surprise him. He's with his kids-I talked to him yesterday."

"And he wasn't suspecting anything?"

"No because I just asked him what he was doing and he said he was with his kids at his apartment."

"So...we're going there right now?"

"Well, it's already eight, so they might be asleep. Who knows?"

I chuckled. "Are we driving or...?"

"No, I don't own a car!"

We walked out, grabbed our stuff, and walked to a car waiting for us. Then, people started taking pictures of us. Then, these random people walked in front of us with their huge cameras and started filming us. 

"What are you doing here?" The guy asked. 

"My daughter flew out here to have sex with-"

"ADETTE!" I heard someone call my name, so I turned around and I saw Neil there with his bags. 

I dropped my bags and I ran over to him and I hugged him. 

"I haven't seen you in forever!" I exclaimed and kissed him, then he put me down and we walked back over to my mom. 

"Oh, he's coming too?" My mom asked. 

"I told you this, Mom," I replied, grabbed my bags, and we continued to walk to the cars. 

"So, this is your boyfriend, Adette?" The guy asked. 

"No, I'm her Dad," Neil sarcastically said. 

"That's nice," The guy replied. 

We finally got outside and put our bags in the car. 

"Do you have a car or-" I asked Neil.

"No, I was going to find a way to a hotel or something," He replied. 

"Mom, what if you go to Richard's apartment, and then Neil and I can go to a hotel?"

"I'll think about it, but for now, Neil can come with us," She got into the car.

The guy with the camera asked, "Well, can I at least get a kiss?"

"Shove a dildo up your ass, you fucking creep," Neil said then pushed me into the car to which I laughed. 

Once he got in, the driver drove away and Neil flipped the guy off, then rolled the window back up. 

"Leave your stuff in the car," My mom told us as we arrived at Richard's apartment. 

We got out of the car and Neil gave me a piggy back ride to the front door. 

"Ring the doorbell," I whispered to my mom. 

She rang the doorbell and a small girl opened it up-Khira Li. 

"Shh," Your mom whispered. "Let us inside."

"Okay," She nodded her head, smiled, and opened up the door for us. 

We ran quietly into Richard's room and hid in there waiting for him to come in. 

"We just taught her that it is okay for her to let strangers into the house," I whispered to my mom. 

Neil kissed me and then grabbed my hand as we squished behind the door. When it opened, my mom jumped out and yelled, "SURPRISE!" There was a loud, shrieking scream which was then followed by sobbing. 

Neil and I went out behind the door and saw Merlin on the ground sobbing. Richard yelled something out in German, then came rushing over. Once he saw all of us, he furrowed his eyebrows. My mom ran to him, hugged him, and kissed him. They totally disregarded Merlin on the floor sobbing, but it was really cute since they had not seen each other for about nine months. 

Neil helped Merlin stand up, then Merlin stopped crying, laughed, ran out of the bedroom and into living room. 

"Children are bipolar-I swear to fucking God," I said and Neil rubbed my shoulders. 

"What are you guys doing here?!" Richard exclaimed as he saw us and pulled my mom into a side hug. 

"We're here for your new album," My mom kissed his cheek. 

"Can we please go to a hotel, Mom?!" I begged her. 

"Why do you need to go to a hotel?" Richard asked. 

"Because Neil wasn't supposed to be staying with us, and Adette wants to stay with him."

"Did you plan to just stay in my apartment without my consent?"

"You can't say no."

"Oh, I definitely can, but back to Adette's question: there is a hotel that is really close (I would say that it is five minutes away)."

"PLEASE?!" I begged her. 

"Fine!" She threw up her hands in the air. "Why aren't Merlin or Khira asleep?"

"I can't get them to go to sleep and you guys coming in here did not make things better, either."

"Come on, let's put them to bed."

"Can we go now?" I asked her. "We'll come back in the morning."

"Fine," She agreed. "Do you need money?"

"My dad and mom gave me quite a bit," Neil responded. "They wanted some alone time really bad."

"Alright, bye, see you tomorrow!" I grabbed Neil's hand and we ran out of there. 

The driver of the car opened up the doors for us and we went inside. 

"Your mother told me that she was going to let you go to the hotel," He said and drove us to the hotel. 

When he dropped us off, we grabbed one of our bags, went inside and found out the receptionist spoke English. She gave us our key and we walked up to the room, unlocked it, and ran inside. 

Neil shut the door and eyed me up and down as we both knew what we were going to do that night. 

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