Chapter 24

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I picked up the newspaper and I threw it across the room and Richard picked it up then set it down on the counter. 

"GODDAMMIT!" I yelled. "I stumbled into him at the mall and he hugged me because he was comforting me-and same with rubbing my arm. I don't care what that fucking newspaper says-we are not back together!"

"Chillax," My mom calmed me down. "As long as you know, that's what matters."

"Neil is-"

"In London right now," Richard said. "Why would they be getting news from here? You'll be fine. The next time you call him, explain to him first."

I thanked Richard. "Hey Mom, can you get Till on the phone? I want to talk to him."

"Sure thing, Sweetie," She grabbed the phone as I grabbed the bags from my car and I hid them in my room. 

Then, I went downstairs and my mom handed me the phone. 

"Hi," I said. 

"Halo," He said. "What are you doing?"

"I just got back from doing Christmas shopping."

"Did you get me anything?"

"Yes, I got you a bunch of dildos!"

He started laughing hysterically. "Don't tell your mother I laughed."

I turned and saw my mother staring right at me with a mad expression on her face. "She's pissed off at me."

"Ha! I would be, too. How are you doing?"

"I'm kind of mad."

"How come?"

"Because the fucking press doesn't know how to keep their goddamn mouth shut. They took pictures of Tyler and I hugging at the mall and said that we were back together."

"Why is that such a big deal?"

"Because what if Neil finds out?"

"Then you explain to him what actually happened. If he really trusts you, then he'll understand."

"And what if he doesn't?"

"I don't have an answer for everything. That's where you decide what to do."

"I'm scared."

"It's a fucking photo-I'm sure he'll understand. I have to go, Anja is having trouble with Marie Louise.  I'll see you around Christmas, okay?"

"Okay, bye."

"Bye," He hung up and I set the phone down.

"Don't talk about dildos in my house," My mom scolded me and I started laughing. 

"KHIRA AND MERLIN, TIME TO EAT!" Richard yelled.

As we were eating, I looked at how happy we all were and how much happier we would be at Christmas time, but boy was I wrong. 

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