Chapter 39

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We woke up and got dressed right away, then went downstairs and ate breakfast. While we were there, it was nice because no one noticed us. 

"It's so weird sitting here and being left alone," I took a bite of my pancake. "I'm so used to people coming up to me and talking to me."

"Enjoy it while it lasts. What time are we supposed to be leaving at?"

"Whenever we want, I think. Remember: Till, Paul, Oliver, Flake, and um, Christopher don't know we're here."



"I called them last night while you were asleep."


"Shush! I was just kidding!" He started laughing, and so did I. "I'm the worst singer ever-I just realized that."

"Oh my God-me too!"

"You know what we should do? We should go to a club tonight and sing."



"I hate how in every single book, the lady has a good voice-it makes me feel bad."

"Especially since your dad is a singer!"

"Oh that does it-"

As I was about to throw a piece of my pancake at him, someone approached us and kindly said, "Miss, we're going to have to ask you not to throw the food around."

I rolled my eyes and continued to eat. Once we were done, we left our dishes there and went back to the room. 

"Can you believe him?!" I grabbed Neil's hand as we stood in front of the elevator waiting.

"They asked you not to throw the food around."

"But I didn't!"

He scoffed. "You're so immature for your age."

"I know-I need to have more sex."

We went inside of the elevator, went to our room, and tried to make the room look as clean as it could. 

"We're going to have to walk to the apartment!" I groaned. 

"Great! Exercise! I'm getting too fat, anyways."

I rolled my eyes and once we got all of the stuff together, we grabbed the key, returned it, and walked back to Richard's apartment. 

"One problem," I stopped walking. "I don't know where his apartment is."

"I do-I have the memory of an elephant."

I started laughing hysterically as we were walking. "WHAT THE FUCK DOES AN ELEPHANT HAVE TO DO WITH MEMORY?!"

"It has been scientifically proven that elephants have fantastic memory."

"Yeah, right!"

"You don't believe me?! I bet that if an elephant were to kill you, they would remember you the second before they died."

"That's depressing, Neil."

As we crossed the road, there was a car that was going really fast, so Neil pushed me and ran out of the way so we wouldn't get hit. 


He then turned to me, picked me up, and carried me to the other side and people were staring at us. He set me down and I groaned out in pain. 

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