Chapter 43

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"What's wrong?" I asked. 

My mom looked at Till and then stood up. "Go to Anja and go tell her what just happened-everything will be fine and you can tell her that it was my fault."

"No," He stood up too. 

"What happened?" I asked again. 

My mom sighed. "Richard, can you come with me? Till, you can tell everyone else-I don't give a fuck at this point because they're going to find out anyways."

Richard and my mom walked down the hallway and we all sat down on the couch. I looked at my leg and saw that it still was covered. Christoph sat next to me and whispered in my ear, "You okay?" to which I nodded my head. 

"Okay," Till sat down across from us. "You know how Tina and I slept together that one night? Just recently, we found out that I got her pregnant," He started to cry. "So, I told Anja just now because I felt bad that she didn't know, because, my fucking wife deserves to know-"

"How are the kids still asleep?" Flake interrupted. 

"Flake!" Christoph slapped his shoulder. "Till, keep going."

I was so happy. I was going to be a sibling-I've always wanted one, but my mom said that it was really hard for her to have one. 

"Well," Till continued. "Anja obviously got pissed and so did your mom. While you guys were gone, we were arguing-Flake, you do bring up a point about the kids still being asleep-and then she just started screaming out in pain. I helped her to the bathroom (it's the right thing to do) and then she took off her pants and-" He sobbed and couldn't even finish the sentence. Just then, we heard a bunch of yelling and crying. I sat next to my dad and started to hug him. "We found a bunch of blood on her underwear and all over her pants." He pushed me gently away and started crying, stood up, and walked out to the patio.

"Wait, you don't think-" I looked at Christoph and he looked back at me. "Wait, no. They can't-it can't-I-"

Christoph rushed over and hugged me. "Maybe she's alright-"

I buried my face in his chest and started crying. "That's not fair!"

He caressed my back. "It's been a long night, do you want to go to sleep?"

"I want to see my mom."

"She's with Richard-come on. I'll get you in the room with Neil."

He stood up and carried me to the bed. "Night."

He shut the door and I looked over at Neil who was peacefully sleeping. I had a lot of trouble falling asleep knowing that I could have had a sibling and they were gone like that, but I did.


I woke up screaming and sobbing. Neil pulled me into a hug and chuckled in relief. 

"You weren't waking up," He kissed the top of my head. "You weren't waking up."

I was shaking, and then the door opened-Christoph was standing in the doorway. 

"What happened?" He sat down next to us. 

"I had another dream," I shuddered and stood up. 

"A dream?" Christoph asked. 

"Nightmare," I corrected. 

"Wait-OHH! You okay, Adette?"

"I'm fine," I lied, then smiled. "I need a wrap for my leg, though."

"I'll go get it," Christoph left, then came back with a wrap and wrapped it around my leg. 

"Thanks," I said. 

"How's school?" Christoph tried to make conversation. 

"My mom pulled me out," I smirked. "She thinks that it's pointless and I agree. A lot of people who can't afford to attend school don't have to go, and she said that I went through a Where's my mom?"

"She went out with Richard and Till to go tell Anja what happened."


"Is she okay?" A female voice asked through the crack of the door. Then, the door opened and Nele came in. "I heard you screaming."

"Come here," I opened up my arms and I hugged her. "I just had a bad dream and it really scared me."

"Are you okay?"

I nodded my head and let go of her. Just then, the door opened and Paul and Oliver ran in here and hid behind the chair. 

"What are you doing?" Christoph whispered and Nele hid with them. 

"Till's pissed," Paul whispered. "I can't go near him."

"YOUR ALBUM! TODAY!" I shrieked. 

There was a knock on the door and Neil opened it up-it was my mom standing in the doorway. I got up slowly and walked over to her and hugged her. 

"I'm sorry, Mom," I said. 

"We're not going to talk about it today," She pushed me and put her hands on my shoulders. "We're going to be celebrating your dad's band, okay?"

I nodded my head and then Neil and I walked out. Till was pacing back and forth asking where everyone was, and I couldn't help but chortle. 

"Mom, how's you and Richard?" I whispered. 

"We're fine," She smiled and walked over to Richard, then hugged him. 

Christoph hugged me from behind again. "I got her, Till-she's mine."

"Stop it," Till said.

"He was just-"

My mom looked at me and interrupted. "Stop it, Adette."

I then remembered the news from yesterday and he was obviously upset. I walked over and hugged him, but he pushed me away and walked outside and Anja rushed out and comforted him. 

"They're good now?" I asked and my mom nodded her head. 

Once everyone was ready, we all celebrated their new album and it ended up with most of them drunk, so I took a bath with my leg hanging out. 

I laid down in the bath and shut my eyes, but then opened them up because I felt pressure on my leg and I screamed at the sight I saw: an old man grinning above me. 

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