Chapter 14

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"Mom?" I asked. 

She pushed me away and walked upstairs. All of stood there in shock. 

"I'm going to go talk to her," Till said and walked up the stairs. 

"Where did she come from?" Richard asked. 

"My grandma's vagina," I joked. 

"Where was she?" Richard asked. 

"She was at a meeting with Harvey Weinstein."

"I wonder what happened."

"I wonder if she's alright."

"She'll be alright-it's your mom," Neil rubbed my arm and we all went to the kitchen and started to eat. 

"Imagine having an egg and it's filled with blood," I said. 

"Like, it's still alive?" Neil asked. 

"Yes," I nodded my head. 

"Eww!" Richard yelled in disgust. "Seriously?! I'm trying to eat my eggs! How did the interview go?"

"I hated it-it was so awkward," I told them. "And he just asked stupid questions; it was so boring."

"NO!" My mom yelled. "DON'T, TILL DON'T!"


"NO, DON'T!" My mom yelled as they rushed into the kitchen. 

I looked at Richard and mouthed "no".

"RICHARD!" Till yelled. 

"Why should I get the car ready?" Richard asked. 



I turned around and saw that my mom's face was beat-red and her eyes were all swollen while my dad's eyes were strained and red. I jumped out of the chair, ran to my mom, and I hugged her. I didn't know what happened, but I knew that my mom needed to be comforted. 

"I love you, Mom," I squeezed her harder. 

Till sighed. "Don't start the car, Richard."

I then felt another pair of arms wrap around us. I looked up and found Till hugging us too. I let go and asked my mom what happened. 

"I got r-r-raped," She sobbed and collapsed to the floor. 

Till grabbed her and held her up and I could see him start to cry. Richard rushed over and helped Till. I looked back at Neil and he walked over unsure of what to do. 

"What happened?" I asked. 

"I went to the meeting," She hyperventilated. 

Till and Richard set my mom down on the couch. I stood in front of her and Neil rubbed massaged my shoulders to relax me. 

"I went to the meeting," She repeated. "Everything was normal and then we were discussing the things that we needed to discuss. Then, he started rubbing my knee and I just laughed it off because what else are you supposed to do? Then, he stuck his hand up my skirt. You know how sometimes I don't wear underwear? This was one of those days!" She sobbed. "He then started to touch me, and I told him to stop, but he didn't listen. Then, he proceeded to rape me-penetration rape."

I hugged my mom and I squeezed her. 

"I want to kill that fucking man," Till gritted his teeth. 

"If you do, then I'll die," She said then let go of me. "I don't know what to do."

"What happened afterwards?" I asked. 

"He told me to leave."

"What if Richard and Till stay here?" I suggested. "That way if anything were to happen, they would be here."

"I don't mind," Richard shrugged his shoulders. 

"I don't either," Till said. "As long as it's keeping you safe."

My mom chuckled. "What about Anja?"

"She and the kids are staying at a hotel," Till replied. "They'll understand."

"No-you can't tell her," My mom said. 

"Why not?" He asked. 

"I don't want her to know."

"I'll call her right now," Till got up and called her on the phone. 

"I'm sorry," Richard said and hugged my mom. 

I grabbed Neil's hand and took him into the kitchen. 

"I feel so bad," He whispered. 

"Me too," I said. "I'm going to get her a plate."

I got her some dinner and handed it to her. 

"Thank you," She smiled and took the plate. "I want to go eat in my room, though."

"I'll go with you," Richard took my mom's hand and they both went upstairs. 

"Take a shower mom!" I called out. 

"Thank you," She continued to go upstairs. 

Till slammed the phone down and looked up at Neil and I. 

"I'm sorry," He said. "Anja just frustrates me sometimes."

"Is she mad?" I asked. 

"Well, yeah. I'm staying at my ex-girlfriend's house and I won't tell her why. She said that I'm not allowed to see the kids."

"Over my dead body," I said. 

"Be there for your mom, okay?" He placed his hands on my shoulders. 

"I will," I promised. 

"And I gave Neil a talk," He eyed Neil. "He's a good kid. Alright, I'm going to go with Richard and your mom...wait, she's taking a shower, right?"

"It's nothing new," I winked and he shook his head and went upstairs. 

Neil and I cleaned up the kitchen, then we sat down on the couch. 

"I swear that things aren't normally like this," I held his hand. "I'm sorry you had to hear about all of this."

"It's fine, Adette. Did I ever tell you how pretty your name was?"


He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and kissed me gently. "I have to get going."

"Aww, okay."

"I'll be back tomorrow, though. Alright?"

"Let me walk you out."

I stood up and walked him to the door, then I stood on my tiptoes and I kissed him. 

"Goodnight," He said. 

"Goodnight," I waved to him. 

I shut the door and locked it, then I went upstairs and went to sleep. What was going on in my mom's bedroom-I did not know about and I would not have guessed what was happening, not in a million years.

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