Chapter 65

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"What?" I asked as Neil gasped. 

"Your dad's in jail!" My mom started laughing hysterically and slapped the counter. "He's so fucking pissed!"

"What happened?" Neil asked. 

"Your fucking father," My mom gasped for breath. "Ah! My stomach hurts from laughing. I just got off of the phone with Richard. You know how him and Flake perform 'Buck Dich' while having anal sex or whatever? Well, Worcester does not like that and they ARRESTED HIM AND FLAKE!"

I laughed hysterically, too. "IMAGINE SHOWING UP TO THE POLICE STATION AND SAYING, 'I'm here to pick up my dad who performed anal sex onstage'."

My mom screamed and started laughing. "We're actually going to fly to Worcester tonight, okay?"

"You can do that?" I asked. 

"I have my own plane-yeah."

"I can watch Ashton," Neil offered. 

I grabbed all of Ashton's stuff he needed and handed it to Neil. I grabbed his car seat, put it in Neil's car and then put Ashton in there. I kissed his forehead and told him I loved him, but he was still sleeping. As Neil shut the door, I hugged him. 

"Thanks," I let go of him. 

"You're welcome," Neil said as he got into his car and drove away. 

My mom and I grabbed the stuff we needed, drove to her plane, and flew to Worcester. When we arrived, it was really late, so my mom had to wake me up. We drove to Richard's hotel and as soon as I got there, I ran over to the couch and laid down on there. 

"I'M SO TIRED!" I groaned and then stood back up. 

"Till is so mad," Richard put his hands in his pockets. "Flake is more mad, though."

"We have to be there when we pick them up! I'm so tired."

"You can sleep in my room-I'm going to stay up for a little," Richard offered. 

"Thanks," I hugged them both, then got into his bed and went to sleep.


  I woke up in the morning excited. I got ready and then ran out and saw that my mom was drinking coffee with Richard. 

"Mom, do you know who Ville Valo is?" I asked. 

"Who is that?" She set down her mug. 

"He's the lead singer of H.I.M.," I answered. "I want to meet him so bad."

"Then meet him."

"Totally-I wish it was that easy. Do you know that he's only three years older than me?"

"Really?" She sarcastically asked. 

"Yes! Younger than Neil. I could date him if I wanted to."

"Yes, you could."

"What time are we picking Dad up?"

"After the court hearing," Richard replied. "We're waiting for them to give us a call."

Just then, the phone rang and Richard answered. I turned around and saw that it was already one in the afternoon. I raised my eyebrows and saw that Richard hung up the phone and put his jacket on. 

"They're ready," He smirked. "Everyone else is already on their way so we got to hurry!"

We ran to the car, drove to the police station and then I saw a group of guys huddled into a circle. We got out of the car and walked over to them and it was Christoph, Paul, and Oliver. I hugged them all. 

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