Chapter 53

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I walked back to the table and played it off, but continued eating. 

"What was that about?" My mom asked. 

"I had to go to the bathroom really bad," I lied. 

When we finished eating, we drove back to Till's hotel room. 

"Why are we going back?" I asked as we walked to his room. 

"Because I still want to hang out with everyone," Richard wrapped his arm around my mom's shoulder. 

We stood in front of the door, knocked on it, and it opened right away.

"Oh God," Christoph exhaled and sighed and let us in. 

"What?" Richard asked as we sat down. 

"Something huge just happened!" He yelled. 

"I just got off the phone with the hospital," Oliver said. "She's fine, but Till said that she's not happy."

"What happened?" I asked worried. 

"Anja and Till got into a fight," Paul answered. "Then she smashed a fucking vase on his head and in response, he pushed her. That bitch went to the fucking hospital and complained that she had a broken nose. HE DIDN'T TOUCH HER FUCKING NOSE! She's going to press charges and is trying to get full custody over Marie Louise."

"And Till's at the hospital with her?" Richard asked. 

"And Flake," Paul replied. 

"Of all people?"

My mom stood up and walked over to the trashcan. "Yep-there's a broken vase in there, alright."

"Is my dad alright?" I asked. 

"Well, his head is fine," Oliver chuckled. "He just had a couple of cuts which were not that bad."

"Where's Nele?"

"She's with her mom," Christoph answered. 

"Right-she didn't come," I remembered. "Can I call him?"

"No," My mom answered. 


"Because I don't know what happened."

"You seriously think that he would hurt her?! HAVE YOU SEEN ANJA?!"

"Anger is not the best thing and he is known to get aggressive."


"Adette!" She mocked me. 

"You fucking suck! I hate you! My dad just got a vase broken on his head and you won't let me call him!"

My mom gasped and stood up. "Richard, call me when he gets back. We're going back to our room."



I rolled my eyes and walked back to the hotel room, went to the couch that I slept on, and faced the opposite direction. 

"I don't know what the fuck has gotten into you these past couple of days, but it will not fly by, do you understand me?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Good."

I heard her walk away and shut her door. I softly cried knowing why I was so mad-it was the hormones. 

I got up and knocked on her door and wiped away my tears. "Mom?"


"I'm out of tampons," I lied. "Can I go to the store and get some?"

"How do I know you won't go and see your dad?!"

"I don't know what hospital he is at!"

"I'm calling Richard and if you ask him, he'll let me know! My keys are in my purse!"


I grabbed her keys, ran to her car, and drove to the pharmacy. I grabbed sunglasses and a hat so no one would know that I bought a pregnancy test (I wouldn't want my parents finding out). I bought them, then went to the bathroom and I waited for the results to come back. 

After about fifteen minutes, I got up and flipped the test over and gasped. 

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