Chapter 56

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I couldn't believe that he was there and heard what I just said. 

"W-W-What are you talking about?" Neil stuttered.

I looked closer at him and his eyes were swollen. "What are you doing here?"

"No, answer my question first."

"I'll answer your question once you tell me what you're doing here."

"Can we go on a walk?"

"Let me get my shoes on first," I put my shoes out and we walked around the block. "What are you doing?"

"She's mad at me."


"My girlfriend-Rachel. We got into an argument. Some motherfucker took pictures of us and there was one of you leaning in to kiss me, and they posted that on a newspaper. Rachel saw back in Germany and decided to talk to me about it here, but she wouldn't listen to me."

"I'm sorry, Neil."

"I knew that you were at the hotel because-well, that's private. I just wanted to talk to you; is that alright?"

"Well, I mean, sure."

"Will she be mad at me forever?"

"Just give her space and when she's ready to talk to you, she'll talk."

"You sure?"



"Neil, I have to tell you something."


"Today I found out something and I understand if you want to leave. I'm pregnant, Neil."

It was surprisingly very easy to tell him.

"You are?" He asked. 

"Yeah-I'm sorry."

He chuckled. "Don't be sorry. I just don't know how Rachel is going to feel-"

"I want you to be in their life, okay? I want them to have a father figure. Even if we're not together, I-"

"I'll be there, okay?"

"You will?"

"Yes! Why wouldn't I be? They're going to be my kid, too."

"I thought that you were going to freak out or something."

"I'm a little scared, but I'll be fine."

"Want to go back?"

He nodded his head and we walked back. 

As we waited, he asked how my parents responded and I explained to him everything that happened, then the door opened. 

"That's fucking crazy," He said as we walked inside. "Actually, I'm going to go and talk to Rachel."

"I don't want Rachel to know yet," I said. 

"Why not?"

"Because my family just found out. About nine people already know, okay?"

"It's just one more person. I need to tell her so that we can see how things are going to work out."


"Thanks," He then walked out of the hotel. 

"If you tell someone 'no', stick by it," My mom told me. 

"Okay," I sat down next to her and noticed that it was late. "I'm going to go to sleep, okay?"

"Goodnight," My mom kissed my forehead. 

I walked over to Till and gave him a hug. 

"Here, Mom, hand me the key," I grabbed the key from her and walked to our hotel room. 

I looked in the fridge for any food, and there was only an apple. I grabbed it, ate it, then got dressed for the night and laid down on the couch. 

I couldn't fall asleep for the longest time, but right when I was about to, the door opened and I heard my mom softly say, "She'll find out soon, okay Richard? I'll tell her soon."

"I can't stand watching Till and her-it pissed me off," He said. 

"Don't say that, Richard."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine-let's go to sleep," She said. I heard them walk over softly to me and she whispered, "Awww, she's asleep."

"Should you let her go on the bed?" He asked. "I can carry her."

He picked me up, but I still acted like I was asleep, and then he set me down on the bed and they covered me with blankets. 

"Goodnight," My mom said. 

I heard their footsteps retreat and then the door shut. I had no clue what Richard and my mom were talking about, and I wouldn't find out for the longest time. 

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