Chapter 35

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Right as my mom was about to tell me the results, the phone rang. 

"GODDAMMIT!" I exclaimed. 

She took the phone and answered. "Hello? Oh, hi. She did? Yeah, she's right here. It's for you, Adette."

I grabbed the phone and put it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey-it's Till."

"Oh, hi."

"What did you need?"

"I didn't need anything-I just wanted to talk to someone to get my mind off of something."

"Are you alright?"


"Well, what did you need to get your mind off of? Are you feeling better?"

"I've just been throwing up and I feel like shit. Can I call you back?"

"What's going on? You called to talk to me, but now you don't want to."

"Mom, what is it?"

"I'll tell you once you get off of the phone," She replied. 

"Just tell me."

She showed me the tests and one was positive while one was negative. 

"WHAT IS THIS SUPPOSED TO MEAN?"I yelled. "Isn't it supposed to be one?"

"What's going on?" Till asked. 

"Nothing, Dad, I just-Mom, do I have to do it again?"

"Yes-I'll go grab the other one," She grabbed the test and handed it to me. "Go to the bathroom."

"Okay, you take the phone," I handed the phone to my mom, grabbed the box, went to the bathroom, and peed on it. 

I walked back to the bedroom and saw my mom laughing while on the bed. 

"I just told your dad what's going on and he's freaking out!" She laughed hard. "He wants to talk to you."

"No-that'll be embarrassing," I said. 

"Adette-take the phone."

I rolled my eyes and I took the phone. "Hello?"

"YOU MIGHT BE PREGNANT?!" He yelled. "I swear to God-"

"Dad, I'm most likely not! I'm just really-" I started gagging and coughing while blood spurted onto my elbow. "Oh my God! Mom!"

"Come on-let's go to the bathroom."

I started to cough more blood, and she guided  me to the bathroom and I threw up some blood. 

"Mom!" I started crying and she took the phone, but I couldn't stop throwing up blood. 

"I'll call you back, Till-she's throwing up blood. Okay. No, she's fine. Okay, I'll let you know. No, you don't need to. Bye. Honey, remember how you said yesterday how you had a cut on your arm and you didn't want to wipe it off, so you licked it or something?"

"Yes," I managed to choke out while coughing.  

"Well, sometimes when you drink blood, your body gets rid of it."

I started crying and I stopped. "I'm getting water."

"I'm calling your Dad."


"Go get water."

I went downstairs, got water, gargled it, then I spit it out. I went back upstairs and I laid down on my bed and started to breath consistently. 

"I think you got it out now," My mom sat down at the bottom of my bed and rubbed my leg. "This happened to me when I was younger, too, you know?"

"It did?"

"Yeah. I drank some of my blood when I cut it so it wouldn't get infected. Your test is negative."


"I think you're just sick. Get some rest, okay? You'll be good in the morning."

"Can you call Neil and tell him that I'm fine? I haven't talked to him since I've seen him."

"Sure," She left and shut the door. 

I shut my eyes and went to sleep. And that night, something visited me that I had forgot about and had forgotten about for a long time. 

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