Chapter Two

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Out the corner of her eyes, Adira descried the figure who sat on the edge of the bed observing her in silence. Adira couldn't help but chuckle when she noted the curious eyes, and grinning back in return was the messy-haired girl. Colette's emeralds were pinned on her while she brushed her teeth and with an arched brow, the woman turned to her.

"What?" She mumbled.

"Nothing, nothing,"

Even the girl's pup sat in the room glaring at the queen and the sight of them scrutinizing her in the particular silence was amusing.

"I just think you're beautiful," Colette finally admitted and her words intrigued her majesty.

"You want something from me?" She questioned and the younger woman laughed.

"No, I just thought I'd let you know,"


Adira knew the reason the girl was awestruck and giddy was that unintentionally, she whimpered her name during their night of coitus and ever since Colette had that smug look on her face. Her ego inflated and now she didn't know how to act but anything other than a besotted fool.

"So last night.." Colette struck up after some silence and Adira chuckled, closing the bathroom's door to keep her from gloating.

"What, I just want to tell you it was cute, I liked that you said my name,"

"Oh Colette," The brunette emulated the woman's voice and her french accent and it was nearly as close. "Oh, Colette, oui,"

The woman heard the girl chuckle for a moment and then there was silence.

"She's embarrassed, you see," Adira opened the bathroom's door, peeking out and eavesdropping on the brunette and the one-sided conversation she had with the dog whose face she held in her palms. Lottie was so used to being treated like the girl's spoiled baby and it showed, she sat there, enjoying every second her owner cradled her like an infant.

"Yeah, she's self-conscious about some things, who would've thought, right?"

Lottie's little tail wagged incessantly.

"I enjoyed it though, I like whenever her majesty does things outside of her decorous, yet sexy self,"

"She's a dog, Colette, she won't understand your words of exultation you know that right?" Adira asked sauntering over to her closet and as she did the girl admired her. She was half-naked, her tanned skin already vibrant and moisturized for the day. Even after some weeks of being in the queen's presence, she still wasn't used to seeing her nakedness— she was like a painting but a portrait god took her time to create. Adira was beautiful and often oblivious to it.

"She understands me, look," the girl replied she was going to prove her point that Lottie wasn't painfully oblivious.

"Hi baby," she said drawing Lottie's attention. "Go give grumpy a kiss, she's so miserable today,"

With her tail wagging excessively, the ginger and white fur- coated animal trods over to the queen and hopped onto her hind legs, flailing the two front ones to draw Adira's attention. She smiled, crouching to rustle the sweet dog's ears and scratch her back.

"At least she listens, you could learn a thing or two from her,"

Colette squinted her eyes at the woman whose turn it was to grin wickedly. "I hope she bites you one day,"

"Why? You already do that in the bedroom,"

The brunette audibly gasped. She got up from the bed, trying to storm out the room, feigning her attitude but Adira caught her in time.

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