Chapter Fifty- Six

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Isabella knew how to make an entrance, she also knew how to command all the attention in the room, whether it be by the promise of violence, her facial expressions or the words that fell from her mouth, the point was she knew just what to do to have all eyes on her. So when she sailed her whip into the air once more and the sound of it crackling was louder than before, her point was proven.

With that said, by sailing her whip into the air, several, bloodied individuals took the warning literal and broke away from their scuffling in an attempt to run. The woman saw this, tilting her head almost as if she was confounded about the audacity of these people to move without her permission. They must truly want to die, she said to herself.

After them she pursued, running through the vicinity, hopping over those stunned by her agility and prowess. They were also confounded by the startling realization of the golden beast circling above them, threatening a fiery grave at any second.

Isabella's speed so far that everyone had seen was unmatched. The woman bolted effortlessly, she made sure not to touch a soul who stood still as she gave chase. With preciseness, she swung her whip into the backs of these individuals who fled one by one. It tore at their skin, leaving flesh hanging from parts of the wounds. Cries of pain and shock sounded on this now quiet land as the woman applied fitting punishments to those who wanted to show that they were stubborn and had the gall to disrespect her presence.

The devil, on her final attempt at accosting a run-away, grimaced heavily. She gripped her whip tightly causing the muscles in her arm to flex as she brought it up into the air. The length of this thing was insane, for it seemed to touch the heavens. Countless jagged additives were fixed into its material, these little surprises were guaranteed to leave more than just a sting.

And then this majestic whip that danced in the air came crashing down.
The force it sailed with caused it to become invisible. The only thing the witnesses saw as evidence that it touched this person, was them splitting entirely in half. Their organs tumbled to the ground in a bloodied mess, sinking into the water. Like paint spilt in water, the person's blood swirled and stretched as it covered a significant portion of the surface.

Isabella had turned her back to them just before this happened so she stood without seeing what her motion had caused but she knew.

"Fucking hell," Some unknown person mumbled, placing the back of their hand to their lips to keep the vomit from spewing from them. In all the living years of the people combined on that battlefield, they'd never seen anyone die like that, by the slap of a whip. It was cruel, insane but no one said that. They simply watched the stern, slender woman sashay through them again.

Aksel, heaving as he observed his former lover couldn't help but adore her stealth and brutality. It was what had caused him to be attracted to her in the first place, her lack of concern for people and their bullshit. Yeah, she was absolutely cruel at times but there were moments where she contradicted that by being immensely nice. He thought at that moment that she was being nice for she hadn't swung at any of them, but the enemy, people she wouldn't have known were the enemy unless she was secretly aware.

The beast of a woman was resplendent.
She was dangerous and delectable, the personification of bad choices and violence— an amalgamation of all these things. She was beautiful but frightening and as the woman waded through the swampy estate, she gazed at the ongoing tumble with her siblings.
Frowning hard, she saw that Jez had stepped away from Adira. He hovered above the people, gazing at her with contempt.

"You lot are a disgrace," her tone was strident, her voice thick and unfriendly as she spoke. "Not just you two but all of you," she scanned the faces of everyone she could see.

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