Chapter Fifty

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"Please, you have to let them in! You have to!" Shouted Colette with tears in her green eyes. Every breath she took after that rant was sharp and rugged and it was so due to her imagination. Graphic imagery of Oliver and the others being jabbed to death with the arrows that rained in the distance encumbered her other thought processes and her will to move a muscle. The girl was so traumatized; Why was the young man even out there? How did he manage to escape from the giants? No, no. It didn't matter thought the girl while she balled her fists tightly beside her, saying a quiet prayer for Oliver and the others too.

Colette wasn't the only one troubled nor praying for them, they all witnessed the people as they ran with zeal, most of them dodging from the storming arrows. It was unfortunate, for they had the displeasure of seeing a man get impaled through the back of his skull, the arrow sticking out his right socket, his eye dangled from the tip. He died instantly, this man, his body becoming fuel for the egregious fire that encompassed him almost immediately.

"God," Colette mumbled, turning her face away and swallowing her spit down to her churning stomach.

"Help!" Oliver yelled as he ran, his knees cracking with each harsh movement; he ran so hard and that was because death was near again for the third time. She was so close, he could smell her. Her aroma was foul and she tasted bitter when he accidentally rested his lips upon her due to him slipping, the end flashed in front of him. And oh god the sound, of people willing to lay down their lives to make sure his and the others were taken, how esurient that sound was. He'd never forget it, like a symphony encouraged by death, each note was a signature of her reality.

"Open the shield," instructed Adira and Aksel studied her with concern.

"Do you see what is coming behind them? If I open the shield the consequences of the number in death would be plenty,"

"Just do it, open the god-damned shield!" Her majesty replied, her strident voice booming at the man who did not take offence.

The raven head looked around quickly to see familiar faces, Lyra and Sal and she instructed them, she didn't want her girl to be there when the shield was pulled back. "Take Colette inside, please,"

The people nodded at their instructions, whisking away and dragging the unwilling girl along with them.

"No! Wait, no!" She fought against them.

"Now is not the time," warned Adira. "Open the shield, Aksel."

Faintly, they could still hear a recalcitrant Colette battling with the personnel told to remove her from the danger. "Don't fucking touch me!" Hissed the girl to which Lyra backed up, putting her hands down to her side. She knew now that the brunette was not someone she could push around anymore, she may not have seen it for herself but recounts from persons who did was ample evidence she needed to take a subtle approach.

Elated that the two people had given her space, Colette watched as the hail of arrows continued to sting the earth, falling into trees and the broken water fountains outside the barrier. A few people dropped due to getting impaled. Some patted their clothing hurriedly after being grazed by the fire but they never stopped running to get to safety, the safety in which the people stood behind, studying them as they played that awful sprinting game. 

Howbeit, it was not for long for the man who was told to lift the barrier from around them did. He waved his magic, his fingers illuminating that unfamiliar glow as he spoke to the shield that slowly began to dissipate.

Arrows, fiery and slicing through the air as angry bullets shot onto the ground beside them, causing Colette to flinch. Several slipped onto the roof of the manor, their burning tips sparking a fire upon impact. These arrows were huge: long and girthy, they buzzed through the air, so noisily, so synchronized.

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