Chapter Twenty- Eight

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"Wolf said she tried to get rid of me," stated Adira, her hand running up and down Colette's back. It felt so good having her there and in her arms, safe and sound despite the feeling in her bones telling her that this was just the calm before the inescapable storm. She felt like that instant would be the one time where she'd get to properly enjoy the girl that way and it was an annoyance. It felt like heaven though, knowing Colette was unscathed and away from her mother even if it was just for a few seconds and she planned on enjoying it.

Adira stared up at the ceiling, her face rubbing against Colette's hair and she enjoyed the smell, of vanilla and cookies. It reminded her of the first time she caught a whiff of her and it was the first night they shared that little kiss out on the balcony. It was also the first time they took it a step further. Colette's cologne was all Adira could remember inhaling the night at the restaurant and when she was tied to her bed. Ever since it was what she smelled, that familiar, heavenly scent of home.

"The other devils knew that she slept with the human and she was ashamed— they were angry at her, some even distanced themselves and I feel like because she was so ashamed of what she did, she felt like it would've been best to kill me but she couldn't. She tried taking all sorts of things, she even tried gaining the help of a goddess but they refused to help her.

William mentioned another reason she was so crazy about getting rid of me was that one of the gods told her that they foresaw a grave future for the world if any of the multums decided to mingle with the humans. Also, there may or may not have been an affair going on with that entity as well, more reasons for her hostility reaching that extent. She was involved with someone before Aksel."

Adira paused. She remembered William and what he shared. The questions she had her entire life were slowly being answered, especially why her presence was so hated among her kind.

"There will be chaos, Colette," she said absentmindedly. "Which ultimately will ensue because it's her fault. She was one of the multums who strayed from their purpose, she wanted to be alliances with the winning team, with the devil and the other entities who were corrupt."

"She told me that and I'll admit it does sound like something Isabella would do,"

"But do you see how crazy that is? She hates me because of everything she did. She left me, hoping I'd rot in the world, she tried to forget her mistake by dumping me in a foreign land, severing all ties, leaving me without a clue of what I was."

"Adira, I'm so sorry," Colette squeezed the queen's arm. "And I bet it doesn't help now that you turned out to be her twin but the twin with the better attitude."

"She deserves it! She deserved to have someone who reminds her of her awful, inhumane mistake. I was a baby, a child, a helpless teen and she abandoned me because she couldn't face the fact that she loved a human and brought forth a child for him when she was warned against it."

Adira got up in bed, causing Colette to move from beside her. She pushed a few strands of her raven hair from her face. She was getting heated, she was feeling all the old wounds with the dried scab peal over, exposing their now fresh, bloody wounds. Even after all those years and she wasn't over her trauma she thought.

"She kept everything from me, Colette." The woman whispered.

"I knew about the multums, I knew about her going rogue but I never knew what she did during that time she disobeyed her creators— she was so vague with the information she gave to me. I didn't even know that I was never supposed to happen, I didn't know that the reason I transform isn't because of nature or biology but because of a curse. I knew her being my mother was a curse but knowing she caused me to have horns and those tattoos and damning me to this, this, is just..."

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