Chapter Fifty- Eight

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At first, everything was a blur: the light shining down from the ceiling, the countless inanimate things that sat about the room, to the person who had shifted from the front of the room and now stood in her line of view. All these things were nothing but indistinct shapes to the girl who struggled with the pain in her head she realized was there, participating in fogging up her vision.

Colette didn't want to wake up, but she groggily opened her eyes to the fullest after a while and was startled to see that she wasn't in her or the queen's bed. This room was oddly coloured, not like the interior of the manor and the bed felt a little hard. She panicked because it wasn't anywhere she knew. She was then startled by the woman at her side who made eye contact.

Eventually, recounts of the past flooded the girl's mind as she glared at this familiar woman and the tears ensued, streaming down her face. She gripped the cover to her body, pulling her knees up to her chest as she tried hard not to let the sounds of her crying fill the room.

"You okay?" Questioned Petra when she took a seat once more beside the girl.

"We were worried about that at the side of your temple," she pointed and the girl had run her fingers over a small bump.

"I guess you're okay though, you did manage to wake up again,"

Grimacing, the brunette wondered how they expected her to be okay after watching the person she loved die right before her eyes? Adira was gone, they shouldn't expect her to be fine at all. They should expect her to be enraged, grieving, hurt, tired, depressed, all these things but never okay.

"Please just leave me alone," begged the brunette and she turned on her side after a moment, using the blanket to cover her body as she cried. She gazed at the unfamiliar walls and curtains by the windows. Barely any light flooded in through the slits, like barely and it exposed that it was certainly day, though what time of day, she couldn't exactly tell. 

Looking out the window, she remembered it wasn't the first time she'd woke up from her slumber, no but it was the first time in this strange house. Each time she got up to remember the events of the past twenty-four hours, she had a meltdown, causing her family to beg Aksel and the others to put her to sleep. The notion of Adira being dead was just too hard for her to digest and they saw the only way to put a stop to that misery, even just temporary was to let her sleep. 

Even more flashbacks of that unforgettable moment occurred and she remembered how she'd gotten the bump on the side of her face. Isabella since doing that horrible thing to her had eloped, gone somewhere no one knew and the girl didn't blame her. She too wanted a break, from the war, her friends, family, the merpeople. She wanted to be left alone to process her thoughts but even that she couldn't do.

"You're not the only one who's devastated, Colette, we're all mourning, we're all confused. Plus, you can't chase all of us away because of what happened, we tried our best, the revenants tried their best even when they didn't know the truth that they were possibly dying for good,"

Sniffing her nose, the girl turned to the woman and saw tears had settled in her eyes too. "Don't fucking lecture me, you don't have that right, no one has that right." she hissed, shoving the cover from her body and it shifted off the bed.

"Where were you and the others when I was begging for someone to help her? Where were her good revenants when she was struck in the first place? I don't know what you guys expect me to do other than being devastated." The poor girl stared off, the tears sliding down her cheeks in giant beads.

"I couldn't have saved her on my own. I was so shocked," she finished, her breath catching in her throat as she did.

"Now when you can tell me what it was that you and everyone else did to try and save her then I will listen to what you have to say, but for right now, just shut the fuck up."

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