Chapter 70

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"This is dangerous, this is dangerous, Harry he's gonna shoot you! Why did you bring him hear. I dont want to see him, please! Niall, Niall take me back please! Please.." I don't think Violet knows what she's speaking right now. She is shivering, and she has turned her back against this Walter guy.

I am a little worried about her now. Although, I think Harry is telling something to her and she seems to be listening. After a while, she nodded and started taking deep breaths. Good.

"Why are you doing this to me?" She asked in a soft voice, almost cracking in the end. Oh no, she's crying. It breaks my heart in a million pieces when she cries.

I stepped towards her, not caring that Harry was probably talking to her. But clearly wasn't succeeding.

"Purple, Listen," I started, making her look up to me.

"You knew about this?" She asked me, feeling betrayed.

"Look, this was necessary for you, Purple. Harry and I both agree that you have to get a closure. You will be able to move on once and for all, think about it." I grabbed her by her shoulder and spoke slowly. She still looked a little lost, and confused.

She looked up at me, and kept staring at my face for a bit. A tear escaped out of her left eye.

I wiped it off with my thumb, oh baby.

"Niall, he shot my entire family in front of me. How can I -" Before she could finish her sentence, I grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Shhh, you can do this, Purple. I know you can." I whispered softly, patting her back.

I heard the Walter guy groaning in pain. We had to hit him on his head to make him unconscious. Getting hold on him was a bit hard. Harry and I are working for it for almost two weeks now.

By the looks of it, he isn't gonna be alive for much time. And we did a lot of research about him. Violet would be making a favor on the world if she decides to kill him tonight. He is a criminal disguised as a good guy. The amount of people he has slaughtered is higher than Dublin's population.

Violet turned to face him after she heard the noise. She visibly shivered at the sight, making e doubt if she can really do this.

Niall, now.

I heard the robot voice in the earpiece I was wearing. We came up with this idea a few days ago. There is a software in Harry's phone that types whatever he says in it, and then converts it to speech. So that we can talk without Purple's help.

I nodded towards where I think Harry is, and went to stand behind the man's chair.

We will both be on guard to make sure he doesn't harm Purple in any way. Although I doubt if there's anything he can do. The guy's old now, and doesn't have any weapon. He is half unconscious due to the injury on his head. But still, better safe than sorry.

Purple took a deep breathe, nodded to something that Harry said to her, and walked towards Walter.

She had a resolved and firm look on her face.

There you go, girl!

Without saying anything, she right away slapped the guy, making him groan even louder in pain.

She then harshly removed the tape from his mouth, now he is screaming in pain. I cant see his expressions from where I am standing, but I can see how angry Purple is. She is breathing heavily, eyes narrowed to slits, and I think she looks a bit red too.

The Knight In Shining Armour (H.S.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now