Chapter 39

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"You have got to be kidding me."

I finished telling everything to him after a while.

Harry had not moved an inch from his place.

"How is that possible?" Niall asked, a deep frown on his face.

"It is."

Is this how I must have looked like the day Harry told me about his invisibility ?

I look over at Harry and smile at him.

"Oh, is he here right now?" Niall followed my gaze as he asked.

"Yup." I answer, still looking at Harry who was now smirking.

He started walking towards us.

"Where ?" He was still looking at the balcony door but Harry was standing right near me.

"Here." I say and intertwine my fingers with his.

Niall's eyes widened at that.

"Can I touch him ?" He asks hesitantly.

I look up at Harry who forwarded his other hand out.

"Yeah," I say to Niall.

He forwarded his hand out blindly, trying to find Harry's.

The moment their hands touched, Niall let out a gasp and took his hand back, his face showing a lot of emotions together.

Fear, shock and suspicion being the major ones.

"What the fuck?" His face was slowly turning pale.

"Relax Niall, he is not gonna harm us." I say ato him and turn around to look at Harry and smile at him, he smiled back.

"But how can  you see him and no one else can?"

"No idea."

"But I do have a theory." Harry says for the first time in this conversation.

"Harry says he has a theory." I speak aloud for Niall.

"And what his that?" He asks.

I suddenly realise that we have never talked about this stuff, which is a mistake on my part.

I turn my gaze at Harry, waiting for him to answer my question.

"You had glasses when you were younger, right?" Harry asks me.

I nod at him. I had told this to him, but what does it have to do with my ability to be able to see him?



My eyes widened as a sudden realisation hit me, I had glasses when I was younger.

On my 15th birthday, I started wearing contacts but it became extremely uncomfortable after a few months. So I underwent a surgery of eyes so that I don't have to wear glasses anymore.

But the doctor made a little mistake.

He did his best to try and corrected it, but couldn't. So he tried an alternate solution.

I had to wear black coloured glasses for 2 months and not expose my eyes to any kind of light for that time.

And then after those two months, the doctor placed permanent artificial lenses in both of my eyes. 

And I was able to see crystal clear.

I have told this story to Harry.

"Yeah, it must be because of that artificial lenses." Harry said after a whhile, he must have figured out what I realised.

"It does make sense," I answer him, quite impressed that he has thought about it.

"What makes sense?"

Oh, I forgot NIall was here as well.

"Remember I used to wear glasses before?" I ask him just like harry did.

"Yeah, you looked cute in them, I still don't know why you removed them, almost lost your - wait. Oh. so that's the reason." He realised it too.

He has always been upset that I stopped wearing glasses.

"It messes up your aura", he says everytime he is reminded of it.

"This is like a science fiction," Niall wondered out loud.

"Agreed," I smile and shift a bit, and motioned Harry to sit beside me.

He has been standing up for a long time.

Harry smiled at me and sat sown, whispering a 'thank you'.

"So, how old is he?" Niall asks after a few silent moments.

He was eyeing the soft dip Harry made on the bed as he sat.

"Technically he's 18, and if you count, about 200." I answer for Harry.


"Is he going to keep interrogating us like this?" Harry asks irritatively, and shifting uncomfortably.

I shrugged, looking at Niall who was in deep thoughts now.

"Wait, so how did he became invisible?"

Oh god. I am extremely positive that he is not going to stop.

"Tell him I don't know." Harry sighs, rolls his eyes and gets up from the bed.

"Umm.. he is a bit tired right now, let's talk about it tommorrow." I try to keep it polite as much as I could.

"Oh god." Niall's eyes landed on the book Harry had started reading now.

I can imagine how it would look like to him, a book hanging in midair.

Harry didn't look up from his book but smirked to himself, knowing exactly what Niall was talking about.

"Anyways, what's up with your life these days ?"

That was a very obvious attempt at changing the topic, but I had to do it.

"Nothing that tops this." Niall smirked, glancing at Harry who was shooting daggers at him through his eyes.

I inturn shoot daggers at Niall, asking him to shut the fuck up.

"Well, the restaurant I work in is starting a new chain here at london, that's why I am here for the meeting. And if it all goes well, I might as well shift here." He smiled at the end.

"Oh. That's amazing news!" I smile excitedly.

He would shift here! That is more than just amazing news, to be fair.

"They might even promote me to a higher authourity, so yeah.. things are.." He yawns in the middle, "Pretty good right now."

"You must be tired, why don't you take some rest?" I notice the bags under his eyes and the way he is leaning in the bed as if he might fall asleep any given second.

"Yeah, you're right. I really need some sleep." He sighs tiredly and yawns awain, slowly standing up.

"Okay, I am gonna go now. Good night, Purple."

He gave me a small hug after he spoke.

"Good night, Nialler." I chuckled, making him laugh as we hugged.

"Should I wish a goodnight to your invisible man ?" He whispers softly, so that Harry doesn't hear him.

"Shut up," I hit his back with my palm and smiled.

My invisible man.


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