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Firstly, I would like to take a moment to thank Mr. Harry Edward Styles for existing.
You deserve a standing ovation just for that.

Next, I wanna thank all the wonderful readers who decided to give me and my story a chance.

rose_gold_cinnamon I really love the two beautiful book covers that you made for this book.

Run13you18clever Thank you for writing that one comment which literally forced me to sit down and continue writing this book.

__tanvi__ Thank you for always being such a cool person and reading all the crap that I write, and most importantly, motivating me more and more each day.

hirvaahir Thank you for reading this book (not whole, but still) even though you don't really like reading. I am really touched to know that you read my work.

Piya1101 Thank you so much for being such a great sister, and for reading my book so passionately always. You can finish it now that I have written it fully.

kena55o3 I don't even know where to start thanking you. You are literally my real life version of Andrea.
You've always supported me in every decision that I have ever taken. And I am so so grateful to have you in my life.
This book is your birthday gift this year.

Happy Birthday sweetheart 💝

And lastly, I would like to pat myself on the back for finally finishing an entire novel. After so many failed attempts, who would have thought Harry was the one I needed ;)


Oh, and also, Thank you Wattpad for this amazing platform. *bows down*

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