Chapter Fifteen.

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Brittany gave Harry's cheek a kiss. "Did you have a good nap?" She asked. "I...feel a little better, I think." Harry said, getting a light kiss form Draco. "What do you want for dinner?" Draco asked. "Me eating isn't a good idea. I just... didn't want to be up there by myself." Harry admitted, before Theo ran over and fussed out. He wanted Harry. Harry smiled lightly, and slowly pulled Theo and the blanket up on His lap. "Brother likes you, Harry." Brittany said. "And I like him very much to." Harry said, getting nuzzled to. He bit down lightly on his own lip to get him form crying out. "Is it...really so shocking I can spell such words?" Brittany asked. "A little, but it only means you are a very bright girl. Hopefully, we can get everything worked out at the highschool." Draco said, and Harry smiled. "I think she has a good chance."

It took two weeks before Harry and Brittany was able to get down to the highschool. Harry? Had an hearing aid in his right ear. After a few days, the ringing proved there was a little hearing left...That only could hear with the aid of the hearing age. He hated the damn thing in his ear because the short hair he had to keep let everybody see it. That he really disliked. He also walked with a small limp, that was slowly going away. His arm would forever be scar with a burn, and his cheek would also have a cut scar. That didn't bother him as much as the five soldiers killed and the death toll up to 20 of civilians. That still caused nightmares got him and he was lost in a deep though when the headmaster walked into the office they were waiting in. It took Brittany pulling his arm lightly to get his attention. "Oh, I am sorry." Harry said a bit defensively. "No, it's alright. It was your unit, correct?" He asked and Harry nodded. "You must be Brittany?" He then smiled. "I am!" She said excited. "She has been very excited the last two weeks about meeting with you." Harry smiled. "The twins have told me a lot about their little 'sister' who makes them feel... Inadequate." He kind of laughed. "That isn't my goal, but I really enjoyed school. I want to broaden my education and that starts here." Brittany said. "I have heard form a lot of sources that you are nearly at collage level, but the trouble is. You are an eight year old girl." He said. "Forget my age for a moment. How much of an education would I really have being stuck at my 'real' level? I have been helping Tyler with Math!" Brittany said. "I understand your worries, but what about...just having her in the classes with the twins? I'm sure under the circumstances, something can be worked out." Harry suggested and he turned towards his computer. "The teacher in his class noticed the different handwriting on his math homework, but seen you had explain it better then even she could." He said, but not looking away form the computer. "It was rather simple, but I think he is dyslexic. It's making it harder for him to understand the numbers. It seems to stay better once written done with the pencil then the black typed print." Brittany said. "You are a very bright girl, Brittany. what I can do." He started and printed off a paper handing it to Harry. "What?" Brittany said, excited. "I'm going to let you enrolled, but...I have to be sure I can guarantee your safety. So, I'm going to get with the twins and they are going to escort you to the proper classes to get the daily work, and the homework assignment do that following day. Then you'll sit in their classes. You'll have your own class work, but this way you are with the boys and I am confident you would be safe. You would get the education you should get, and once you have all your credits...You can get with Harry and Draco about University options." He said and she let out an excited scream. Harry let out a small noise. The mildly loud scream upset his hearing aid, but then smiled. "You have no idea how happy you just made this girl." Harry said. "I do ask once thing Brittany." He said. "What would that be?" She asked. "Enter the spelling bee. Even with the war, they still hold the competitions between the schools and we haven't won in years. I think you are our ticket." He said. "I will!" She smiled.

--Time skip--One Year--

It has been a year since the bombing happened. A very fast year for Harry and Draco.  Taking care of Nine children keep them pretty busy, well...It was Eight children now. Summer was back home with Hermione and Ron. Both those eight children? Were officially Harry and Draco's adopted children. Piper and Phoebe's adopted is a little different then the rest, because their grandmother is still in the picture. The two sisters lived with her for less the a month, because they were very unhappy. The loved their grandmother, but Draco and Harry were their parents now. Tyler? Ended up having to take some medicines to help with his PTSD. The nightmares were only getting worst to the point he stopped sleeping after he...wet himself. God he locked himself on the bathroom, to embarrassed to come out, but Draco was a huge help to him. It took a while for the medicines to fully take effect, Harry and Draco often woke up to Tyler asleep at the foot of their bed, worried the first night after a month straight of him being there when he wasn't. To be relieved when he was asleep on his own bed, calm and comfortable. That month straight was the last time Tyler needed to be in their bed.

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