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"The world is getting better, but it still isn't a safe place. I suppose...she seen that part of it." Tiffany said. "I don't know. Pa won't tell me. I think he knows I might try and deal with it." Taylor said before getting hit with a pillow. "Brother!" Taylor said, looking over at the bed. Tyler had been woken up, and wasn't happy about being woken up by their conversation. "Shh." He mumbled. "You really should eat something if you don't want to sleep, come." Taylor said and Tiffany slowly nodded. Draco had put the left overs up and Taylor

heated them up a plate, before his shoulder was tapped by Samuel. "Yeah?" Taylor said. "Going out." Samuel said and Taylor raised an eyebrow. "Does pa know?" He asked and Samuel shrugged his shoulder. "Be back soon." He mumbled, grabbing the keys. "Sam, call a ride at least? They don't want you driving yet..." Taylor said. "Why...don't we take him? Your dad said I could if he was in the passenger side of the car, you are a soldier, you can choose to come with me." Tiffany said. "Would that be okay, Sammy? I can see something's bothering

You." Taylor said and after a thought, Tiffany was thrown the set of keys.
Sam really didn't tell Tiffany where to drive, so she just drove around for a couple hours. Taylor look back, Sam was laid in the back sit, hugging his knees, but asleep in the back. Taylor let out a sigh. "He is having a bad day. They used to take him for a ride to help him sleep." Taylor said. "Is there something we can do to help him?" Tiffany asked and Taylor shrugged his shoulders. "There isn't much we can do, but I'll have to

Get pa. Hopefully he can move him." Taylor said, as Tiffany drove them home.
"Pa!" Taylor called for. "What's you need, Taylor?" Draco answered, being down in the living room. "To have Sammy moved. He's asleep in the car." Taylor said. "He is in his office, wait, was you driving?" He frowned. "No...it was Tiffany but Sammy wouldn't sit beside her. He was in the back. She can actually drive okay. A little slower, but not bad." He replied. "Well...okay. Just be sure the children aren't with you, until she gets her license." Draco said and he nodded,

Before he went to find Harry, who was yes, on his office. "Pa." Taylor said. "What's up?" Harry asked, looking over a folder. "Can you come move, Sammy? He was having a bad day...so we drove around for a while and he feel asleep. I don't want him to be woke up, before he wakes himself up." Taylor said. "Alright, get him a pillow and blanket. I'm just bring him to the couch." Harry said and Taylor nodded.
Harry laid Samuel down on the couch and Tiffany pulled a blanket over him. "Look, bite marks." She pointed out on

His hand. "Pa, did something happened?" Taylor said and Harry shrugged his shoulder. "Your brother doesn't talk much, let alone to me." Harry said and Taylor frowned. "Just let him rest, try talking to him later." Harry said and he nodded.
"Hey." Harry said, easing to sit down next to Samuel, who was sitting up on the couch. "Hi..." He mumbled. "Your hand, you hurt yourself." Harry said and Sam shrugged his shoulders. "Sam, what's wrong?" Harry asked and he brought his knees up. He warped his arms around his knees. "Sam." Harry asked for, but he just buried his

Head in his knees. Harry let out a sigh. "Sammy." Nicky whined. He was standing half way down the stairs. He was hungry, wanting to try and eat some real food, but was to drained to come down the rest of the way. "Sammy!" Whined Nicky again and Samuel slowly go to his feet. He went to get Nicky and sat him down at the kitchen table. He slowly made Nicky a sandwich.
"Samuel, wants the matter?" Harry asked, again. He gave Nicky a pat on the head. "You have to rest more after you eat, Nicky." Harry said and

Nicky nodded, before he turned his attention back to Sam. "...bad." he mumbled. "No, you aren't. I know a lot of things have changed for you, Sam." Harry said, and he eased to sit down in one of the chairs. "Lots...headache..." He mumbled. "I'm sure with so much on your mind, you might have a headache. It's okay if your having a bad day. Just let us know, so your brothers don't have to worry, okay?" Harry asked and he slowly nodded. "Lay with me." Nicky whined at Sammy after he finished eating. He nodded and took Nicky back

Harry walked into Britney's bedroom. She was in the middle of one of her paintings orders. "Hi, pa!" She said, laying on her stomach doing her painting. "Hi, sweet girl. Your daddy tells me you haven't really been socializing with your siblings. I called the school and they tell me you are behaving the same way at school. Britney, is something wrong?" Harry asked and she shook her head. "I don't really have friends at school, so there isn't really much of a point to talk to anybody there. I've just been busying trying to get the orders out,

pa. Is it really that troubling?" She asked and Harry sat down on the ground. "I know your mind isn't that of a ten year old...I also know you aren't eating much." Harry frowned. "I haven't been that hungry, Pa." She said and Harry shrugged his shoulders. "I feel as if it's more to that story, sweetheart." He said and she let out a sigh. "You worry to much." She whispered but he shook his head. "I don't worry enough, Brittney. I should have been the one to noice something was wrong." Harry said.

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