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Harry was woken up but a rough shake form Samuel about a week later. Harry reached for his hearing aid and eased the lamp on. Looking up the upset boy. Even being Twenty-Five, he was still boy. Mentally. "What's the matter?" Harry just got his wrist grabbed and let Samuel pull him out of bed. Something was upsetting him, and Harry had no clue what it was. Samuel wasn't easy to talk to, not always. This morning, was one of those days it seemed Samuel wasn't going to talk. At least not right now, so Harry had to try and guess or wait and see. Samuel pulled him into the kitchen and Harry run over to the stove, turning off the burner and moving the frying pan off it. He had badly burnt some pancakes. Harry turned, he wanted to be angry. Samuel easily could have started a fire. Harry let out a sigh, and noticed Forrest and Dan playing in the corner of the kitchen. "Did you try and make breakfast for you and your new brothers?" Harry kept his voice soft, and got a small nod, but Samuel wasn't really looking up at Harry anymore. Harry walked over and pulled his chin up. "I'm happy you are trying to take the responsibility but you aren't ready to be cooking... unsupervised, not yet." Sam frown. "Forgot...we...played." Harry nodded. "That's way you need, for now, supervision. It won't always be that way, but you don't want anything bad to happen, do you?" After a moment, Samuel shook his head. "No more cooking unsupervised, Understood?" Harry let his voice get a little upset, but not much to show he meant it. "Yes, Harry." He kind of mumbled. "Take the boys to get ready for the day, think you can do that? I'll make you three breakfast."

Draco came down to the kitchen less then an hour later with Max on his hip. Harry's alarm had went off, waking them both. Max still looked much like sleep. He wasn't ready for the day. Harry just walked over and gave Draco a big kiss. "I forgot to turn the alarm off, forgive me." Draco smiled. "Of course, however, don't I normally start breakfast?" Harry nodded. "I got woken up. Samuel, Forrest and Dan were ready for the breakfast early." Harry decided he wouldn't worry Draco with the fact Samuel was cooking. Harry could handle it himself, and Draco would just worry way to much. He knew this. "...Potty!" Half yawned max and Draco smiled. "Somebody is getting to be such a big boy!"

They all sat down for breakfast, Sam standing over Tyler, before snagging one of his pancakes. "brother. Use your words at least if your still hungry." He kind of whine, be just grabbed another pancake off the stack in the center of the table. "Samuel, grab yourself a plate. It's fine if you want more. Your still growing." Harry said, but Samuel just took a bite of the dry pancake he had in his hand, and hurried away. Harry shook his head lightly, but their breakfast continued.
The children go on their way to school and Harry stood at the door way, getting a kiss form Draco. "Something's bothering you." Harry gave Draco a light nod. He spent all of this morning thinking about what could have happened. "Talk to Samuel. He shouldn't be cooking unsupervised." Draco let out a frown. "Is that why you were up so early?" Harry give a light nod. "Nothing happened. He knew to come get me, but his mind, right now, isn't ready for him to be cooking. It's still on my mind, anything could have happened." Draco nodded, he agreed. "I'll talk to him Harry. Be careful out there." Harry smiled, giving Draco another light kiss. "Always."

Six children, plus Samuel, was home with Draco. Unfortunately, the young twin boys wasn't five years old, so they couldn't enroll in school. Maybe it was for the best, One of them did have autism after all. Draco lend down, giving Samuel a light tap on his shoulder. Samuel looked up at Draco who wasn't angry, but wasn't very happy. "I'm in trouble..." Draco let out a sigh. "You must understand something, Samuel. Things are different right now, and me and Harry are going to help you becoming independent once again. However...Right now, you aren't and are suppose to follow the same rules as the children do." Draco kept his voice soft, and Samuel give little max a tight hug, before easing the now small toddler off his lap. "I was hungry..." Draco nodded. "I know. That's why I am going to show you things you can make yourself, that won't be dangerous." Draco held out his hand, but Samuel shook his head and got to his feet by himself.
After Draco shown Samuel simple, non cooking things, he could make for himself. like cereal, poptarts, snack food and such like that. He sat Samuel down at the dinning room trouble with a notebook and a few different kind of pen and pencils. Not sure what he would rather write with. "You do understand that me and Harry care very much about you too?" Samuel gave a nod, and Draco wrote a small sentence on the first line. I won't cook without supervision. Samuel frown. "My writing isn't good..." He mumbled. "It doesn't matter. What matters is the point get across and you understand, right now, you don't have permission to cook by yourself. You don't want something bad to happen, do you?" Samuel shook his head. "Fill the page. After Harry gets home, we'll see if he feels you need to write more. And bedtime is early for you for a week, understood?" Samuel gave a small nod, breaking one of the pencils in half and used that to slowly start writing with.

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