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"Do you remember anything's about cooking, Samuel?" Draco asked. "Sammy." Samuel said, grabbing stuff to make cookies with. "Cookies are for desert, we are suppose to be making lunch." Draco said softly. "cookies." Sammy said. "How about this, you help me make lunch and after we have lunch together. We can make your cookies? What do you say?" Draco asked and after a moment of Sammy thinking. "...No reds." He said. "No reds." Draco smiled, and together? Draco kept lunch simple, it was sandwiches that Sammy was happy to help, but would NOT touch the tomato or the ketchup bottle. Draco wasn't sure what he was going to do. One child wouldn't touch green, another one wouldn't touch red. He chuckled to himself to feel the kiss on his neck. "He seems happy." Harry said, taking the knife off the counter, and Draco handed Harry the tomato. "How funny is it, that they both dislike a colour so much, they won't even touch it?" Draco laughed. "That's just Sammy. Theo will at least touch green. Autism is a very complex thing, effects each child different." Harry said. "I'm starting to see that. I think Sammy will pick back up rather quickly. He just needs... love." Draco said. "I've talk to my captain...who agreed to let him come on our unit in a few weeks, at least part time. He remembers stories about him, and is very welling to deal with the little quirks Sammy has." Harry said. "That's great, Harry!" Draco said, before getting his armed pocked at. "Yes, Sammy?" Draco asked and he frown pointing at the tomato. "Sammy, your brothers and sisters like them." Draco said. "Why don't you get out the milk and water, Sam? Find all the glasses and set them on the table? Be sure the little kids have the plastic cups." Harry said and after a moment, Sam did what Harry asked.

Harry was in the middle of cleaning one of his hands guns after lunch. The children were in the middle of some housework Draco has them do every Saturday to keep them productive on non school days. The door opened to the room only the older twin boys knew the code too, but it wasn't them. It was Sam, Tyler let him in. Sam eased down beside Harry. "Oh, hey." Harry said. "Left mine..." Sam whispered. "At the old house?" Harry asked, letting Sam take the gun out of his hand. "Yes...I.... don't...Like driving...by myself...so...I couldn't get the stuff I needed to get it clean...or my plugs so I could fire it again." He said, a little more easily. "How...did you get used to the gun fire?" Harry said, watching him slowly take the stuff to clean it. "My daddy...Started me off...with like these fake guns that made the same sounds...just not as loud...and...worked me up. I could watch fire works...not so much anymore...They aren't there anymore..." Sammy said. "No, but your brothers are. So are all of us." Harry said. "I'm...not a kid." He said. "No, but you still need help. You know that. You also need the love and Draco and I would love to add you to our family. The boys need you, your their only blood family and with your help? I think we can help them and yourself fully recover. Don't...you want to get more like your old self again?" Harry asked. "Yes...I like the guns." He said. "You can finish cleaning it then, I don't mind. Maybe, we could start off slow getting you reintroduced into them?" Harry asked. "I...think I'd like that..." Sammy said.

"Maybe you should spend some one on one time with him?" Draco said that night in bed. "I...have thought about it, but that's really going to be difficult. There's so much We already have to do..." Harry said, getting a light kiss. "Harry, he was a soldier. He needs your instructions a lot more then he needs mine. I think...your stalling." Draco said and with a sigh, Harry laid fully down. "maybe I am. I feel a bit...odd around him. Maybe because I know how old he really he." Harry said. "Harry. Even thought he isn't a child, he still needs our help. You want to keep the twins here until they marry? He is a good key. He is just our oldest boy is all now." Draco said and after a pause. "You're right...A lot of ways he is currently, just a child." Harry said, feeling a kiss on his cheek. "He needs us, plus you know I love you." Draco said, and Harry laugh. "I would hope so after nearly Twenty-two years of marriage." Harry said, getting somewhat of a slap, and Harry laughed. "I love you too, Draco. I was thinking...Once we get used to four more children, we opt for a special needs child? Like disabled?" Harry said. "Have you been reading my journal?" Draco whined. "No, but I see how much joy you have taking care of the children. Learning about the new mental disability. I think you getting a physical disabled child would please you, very much." Harry said, getting a light kiss. "You pecked at my journal." Draco said. "I might have seen in opened on MY desk to the page. I think you left it there on purpose, because you are still shy about asking me about things you want." Harry said. "I...just worry about you saying no. I rather you not say no... Directly." Draco admitted. "You are so adorable, Draco. I couldn't ask for a better husband." Harry said, getting a slow kiss, until Max stood up in his crib and fussed out. "Now, you are suppose to be asleep." Draco said getting out of the bed. "He just wants his daddy's attention." Harry said, taking out the hearing aid to fall asleep that evening.

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