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Harry really didn't feel much better the next day, and he wasn't sure what brought this on, so he stood in a very icy cold shower. Little Max, pushing opened the bathroom door. "Dada." He whined. "I'm okay, big boy. I'll...be out in a moment." Harry said.
Harry stood there and a couple minutes later he heard the movie start. Max had one of the iPads and sat in the floor of the bathroom, right beside the shower. Harry let out a sigh, before he pocked his head out of the shower. Harry seen Max, their one and a half year old boy, sat on his bottom. He held the iPad in his little hands. He was dressed for the day, by Draco. So he was in a white long sleeve shirt and some brown jeans, little white socks on his feet. He had his sippy cup. "Buddy..." Harry said. "Tay wif you." He said. "Okay...I'll be out in a moment, buddy." Harry said to his toddler.

Harry carried Max out of the bathroom on his hip. Max held to his daddy as Harry curried him throughout the house until he got to the dinning room. Breakfast was just getting started. A little sat for a Sunday  morning. Harry wasn't looking forward to his treatment tomorrow, because he still felt really ill. Maximum, seemed to understand that and wanted to keep close to Harry. Draco and Christopher was finishing up the last of the breakfast so the twins, Taylor and Tyler, were gathering the children. The smell alone was making Harry fell worst as he put Max in the highchair. "..dada!" He frowned, reaching back out his arms. "I'll sit beside you...buddy. you have to eat your breakfast." Harry said, giving him a small pat.
Harry felt the hand on the back of his neck. "How much Tylenol have you been taking?" Christopher asked. "It's...not...going to help." Harry said softly. "Harry, you should-" He started to say, but he look he got form Harry, that go to hell look was strong. Christopher just let out a sigh. "Try and eat something." He said.


Harry? Ended up vomiting shortly after and got back into bed. He was at least asleep, when Draco shut the door, only to see Max frowning. Draco eased down to the toddler boy. "Your daddy needs his rest, Max. You should go play." Draco said. "Dada." He fussed and pushed on the bedroom door. Making a fuss noise when it wouldn't opened. "Max, your daddy needs to rest. Come on." Draco said and picked Max up. Max wasn't happy to be sent to his room to play, but slowly little Anne got him playing.


Tiffany, the 18 year old girlfriend of Taylor, was sitting on the couch in the living room. She was in a dress, she always wore them, and a sweater over her shoulders. Her feet were up on the coffee table, swollen, because of the pregnancy and she got send home for work early, today. Taylor was asleep beside her, feeling better then last night, so he went to sleep on the couch. She was half watching the television show, but also half watching the triplets.  Forrest, Dan and Jenny were their new foster children, to be adopted once they bee there a year. Forrest and Dan had Down Syndrome, so often times their sister, Jenny, was left out. Today, however, the two boys were playing with her and she see extra happy to have their attention.
Draco joined Tiffany on the couch, opposite side of were Taylor laid somewhat in a ball asleep on the couch. She paused the movie. "My boss sent me home! Like I don't need my money or something." She frowned. "Tiffany, your feet are very swollen right now. I know they must be hurting, beside...You should finish your last year of school." Draco said. "I can't go There...to many people know things and I don't want that." She said softly. "Tiffany...You can homeschool then. Harry and I rather you finish school and maybe...go off to university." Draco said. "I have no way to do that." She said softly. "You do, you just have trouble with accepting the help." Draco said. "Because my problems are mine. I won't ask Taylor to bail me out or be responsible for my kids." She said. "Taylor is your boyfriend, Tiffany. He cares very much about you and Anne and he will care about the next baby." Draco said. She looked over at Taylor, who was still sleeping. "I don't know why he cares. A lot of girls want him, and they are pure for him. I don't see why the hell he wanted me." She said, slowly getting to her feet.
She turned to face Draco and crossed her arms. "I'm nothing and he needs to see that." She said. "Tiffany, you are so much more then that. What happened at work?" Draco asked. "Doesn't matter. They are right! I'm just somebody's used object and Taylor should have better." She said.


Draco woke his son up who hurried upstairs after Tiffany, who was searching for her car keys. "Tiffany." Taylor said. "No!" She cried. Taylor walked over to her and locked his arms around her. "Tiffany, please. I know your head gets all jumbled, because of what happened to you, but I love you." Taylor said. "Why? You know im just somebody's used object with two bloody kids!" She cried. "You and the girls are mine, Tiffany! I don't give a damn what anybody else thinks or says. You are my girlfriend, I'd make you my wife if I was old enough so I can start getting the paperwork to adopted Anne. My name is going on her birth certificate, so I don't have to adopted her, she will be mine." Taylor said. Tiffany? Was slowly let got of and she turned to face Taylor. "...It's a girl?" She asked. "Yes, and they are my girls Tiffany." Taylor said, pulling her chin up and giving her a very light kiss. "You are also mine now. I love you so much, Tiffany." Taylor said. "I'm... sorry...It was a bad day." She whispered. "I know, come on. Dad...is laying down and I'd sleep better there." He said. "Is...he going to be okay with that?" Tiffany asked. "Yeah, come on." He said.


Harry woke up a few hours later. His temperature down some, but the feeling like shit was still there. He sat up and looked over. Taylor was beside him and Tiffany next to him. The pair both asleep. Harry slowly got to his feet and pulled the blanket up over them more before he slowly walked out the bedroom.
It was early afternoon, so the children were playing on that now raining Sunday afternoon, inside the house. Max? When he seen Harry ran over to him. Harry give the boy a smile and picked him up. "Dada." Max said, holding onto him tightly. "I missed you too, buddy." Harry said. Harry voiced traveled down the hallway and brought Draco to him. "Hey." Draco said, giving Harry a light kiss. "Hey...When did Taylor and Tiffany lay down?" Harry asked. "A couple hours ago? Tiffany had a rough day at work and I don't...think Taylor is sleeping well at night, again." Draco pointed out. "I'll...talk to him. Just let him sleep for now." Harry said, starting to walk down the hallway, he wanted to go sit down on the couch. "You have to try and eat something." Draco said softly. "I can not eat right now, Love." Harry said. "You haven't ate in a couple days, Harry." Draco pointed out. "I'll just vomit, okay?" Harry half fussed himself. Draco frowned. "Even if you do, maybe it won't be right away. You get upset if you have to go on a feeding tube." Draco pointed out. "I'm not about to eat right now. I'm going to go sit down." Harry said.
Harry sat on the couch, with Max sitting beside him and Theo. A four year old twin, who was autistic, wiggle up on the couch. He, too, was worried about his daddy too. Harry slowly locked his arm around him who nuzzled to Harry's side. "Daddy..." He said. "Boys, I'm going to be okay." Harry said even if he didn't believe it at this moment and tried to comfort the two young boys.


Dinner was set about seven that night, the table full. Harry? Just pushing around the small amount of food Draco made his plate to be. He was still feeling very nauseous and weak, but his two boys, was being fussy and his daughter, Brittany, kissed his cheek and Express her worries. Harry knew he wouldn't be able to eat, but he knew a very hated way to get dinner. "....we still have that kit?" Harry asked. "Yeah, I get it updated monthly. Christopher, can you keep an eye on the kids?" Draco asked. "Of course." He replied back.
Harry sat up on the bed, after Draco for his stupid Nose tube set up so he could take a feeding, so he would be eating just not the normal way because he knew he was just going to vomit. He was loading up a game on his phone and felt a kiss on his cheek. "I love you." Draco said softly and Harry smiled but rolled his eyes. "I'd hope so, after 23 years." Harry laughed getting a playful slap. "Play your game, I'll be back in a little while." Draco said and Harry nodded.


Draco was tucking Theo into bed, one of the last children still awake. "Daddy." He frowned. "Daddy is okay." Draco said. "Want...daddy." He whined and kicked the blanket off him and hurried out of bed. Draco let out a sigh and continue to get the rest of the children to bed for the night.
Draco opened the bathroom door about an hour later. Harry was asleep with Theo nuzzled to his chest.  Taylor was once again in the middle of the bed, with Tiffany, who looked at Draco a little uncomfortable. "How bad is his nightmare getting?" Draco asked. "Pretty bad...Not so bad since he's been close to Harry...But he said I needed to come with him." She said. "He wants you close. I do have to get ready for bed, but I won't be too long. There's another blanket, I'll just use it. There's plenty of room." Draco said. "I can go to our room." She said. "No, you should stay right there, Tiffany. It's fine." Draco said.

Draco a few minutes later, Draco got into bed and the house fell still.

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