Chapter sixteen

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Tyler and Taylor were also Fifteen and since their Fifteenth birthday, they have been going to the base after school, three time a week. They both enjoyed it. They were learning a lot, but some of it was kind of upsetting. They wasn't aware just how bad it could get and Tyler did now understand why Harry was so worried about the girls just being girls and not hearing about the war. He admitted to Harry late one night that Harry was right and he really wanted to be more like Harry, who form that day Had taken the boy under his wing. It was showing just how different the two once nearly identical boys were. Taylor was turning out more like Draco. He enjoyed baking with Draco and...wanted to be smarter. Brittany had really opened his eyes about his own education. If an nine year old girl could be in highschool, then Taylor could get at least in the middle of the road classes, then just the basic classes and Brittany was very happy to help. The boys? Were also family happy, the adoption of them was official in just ten weeks. They...had their forever family.

Piper was now an eleven year old girl, freshly on middle school. She and Harry fought a few times, over her wearing makeup. Harry insisted she was to young, however the day Harry had to pick up her some pads form the pharmacy, she insisted she was old enough to wear makeup. So, a few days a mouth? Piper for a little moony and seem to take her frustration out on Harry because he still somewhat disagree with her wearing makeup. Then she really liked to try and push his buttons by the skirts that were getting shorter. When she thought she was grown one day on a...Moody day, Harry ended up getting rid of her skirts. Since then? She wasn't allowed to pick her own skirts out, because Harry felt she was being a bit disrespectful to his very few guide lines.

Phoebe was now a nine year old girl. She was hard of hearing, and the new hearing aids did improve her hearing. She didn't always like to wear them, because the children at the elementary school liked to pick on her about them. Harry had been to the school three times now. Every morning used to be a fight with her about wearing her aids, until she just started to take them off at school. She begged the teachers not to tell her new daddies. The only agreed because she did have hearing, and she agreed to sit in the first roll. Other then her hearing, She was very happy little girl. She loved her new family and the weekly visit form her and Piper's grandmother. She loved her grandmother, but she wanted her life back. The one she had grown to love. So, both girls were now openly adopted to Harry and Draco with the weekly visit by their grandmother.

Brittany was now also Nine years old, but she was a very different nine year old girl. She was a sophomore in highschool, long side her big twin brothers. She loved school, so much? She made a friend. A friend that was Fourteen that the headmaster and Harry grew to trust. So after her classes with the twins, she stayed after school with her friend either studying or reading. She was also the schools spelling bee champion for not just the school, but state and Harry agreed she could enter the Nationwide competition that was taking place before Christmas break. She was very excited. She was also a very well behaved girl, but still never wore dresses. It made attending church difficult, because she was often questioned about why she wouldn't dress appropriately. Harry had a talk to the pastor. She wanted to go back to her Catholic faith like her mother, but she still lived in fear. She was afraid. Her Father's actions laid in her head. It might be faint, but it was still there and it made her afraid to wear the girly clothes. Brittany was also on the fast track to finish her highschool career, that worried Harry. He couldn't comprehend the fact she could be tweleve and ready for University. After all, Brittany had turned out to be Harry's little girl and Harry couldn't fathom his little girl ready for University. He wasn't ready to let her go, he wouldn't. At least that is the thought that gave him peace right now.

Gary and Theo are now four years old twin boys. Gary was enrolled in the pre school program. Much like he big sister, he was Advanced in school. It was brought to Harry's attention, that he was already at nearly a second grade level. He could read, do math and even Brittany was teaching him to be a great speller, his Spelling was the most advanced. Harry? Started to wonder, where did their intelligence come form. So, he went looking. Their mother? Was a high school graduate at fourteen years old. Even their...sick fuck of a father was of higher then most intelligent wise when it came to school work, he finished at Fifteen. Both were top of their schools. Harry knew he had to nurture both of their intelligence. Even Theo, was intelligence...But his autism complicated his comminations, so the school was recommending Homeschooling and sign language. Sign language was an easier way of communicating for Theo and the rest of the children were slowly learning. Theo? Was a handle ful Draco. Theo had really grown depends on Harry, making each morning painful. Theo would cry when Harry left for work, and when he finally got over his tears? He would stand waiting at the window, that Draco would leave open just enough for Theo to look out of. He would stand there all day long, wrapped in his blanket and snuggling his stuff elephant that Harry picked out for him until Harry came home.

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